Chapter 3 Battle with the Butler

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Hi :) I hope someone is enjoying this story. If you do, please comment, it's always good to hear some praise! But any who, on with the story!!



I do not own Black Butler, I only own my OC and any others the decide to join.


First person P.O.V (Fey)

I stayed sitting in my sit calmly, watching as their expressions changed from shock, to amazement, to doubt, and then down right denial. I did not blame them, my race has been gone for centuries. And Ciel probably believes that we are just fictional beings. Which seems rude because he is surrounded by non humans.

Oh well, seems like I will just have to show them, in order for them to believe me.

But before I could speak, the young Earl spoke "You think that we would believe that? Sebastian tells be you you are human and nothing more. You can not trick me so easily" the voice that he spoke with was chilling and cold. This boy has forgot how it is to live.

I just stared at him calmly, my essence was hidden so no wonder the butler thought that I was a mere human.

"Earl Phantomhive, I am not trying to trick you, I am simply telling you the truth. But I would be more then happy to show you that I am not lying." I smiled softly at him, such a young lad with such a black soul.

I then proceeded in getting up from my chair, I watched the butler become ready for an attach. I just sighed and looked at him "I will not harm him" trying to appease his suspicion that I was some assassin.

He still looked on guard, oh well, nothing I could say would change that.

I turned to Ciel, closing my eyes, I allowed my butterfly wings to unravel and become seen. They spread out behind me, fluttering delicately. Then my antennas came out, the smooth black appendages moving slightly.

After my transformation was complete, I opened my eyes to see lord Phantomhive with his mouth slightly agape. He was staring at my wings with a intense stare, he seemed like he was trying to remember something.

"Does this prove to you that I am not lying?" I said, my voice calm and soft. I tilted my head a little, waiting for his reply.

He closed his mouth fully and then nodded, his eyes found mine and he seem to be deep in thought. "I think that you might be of use to me, but you do not seem to be fit to be a bodyguard. You will be a maid instead."

I just laugh lightly, which sounded like a wind chime, and shook my head a little. "I do not wish to be a maid, I came here to guard you and your soul. I can not do that as a simple maid."

He seemed slightly angry that I would go against his decision, but then a smirk worked its way on to his pale lips. "Very well, if you so badly want to be my bodyguard, you will have to beat Sebastian first. If you don't though, you will become a maid." He seemed like he was going to prove himself right, by putting me up against a demon. Unfortunately for him, he does not know how powerful a fey can be.

"Very well, young master." I bowed my head in acceptance. Sebastian did the same, the whole time with that smirk on his face.

Ciel then got up from his desk and walked out of the study, me and the butler following behind. He lead us to a open court yard, far enough away from the manor that no one could see us.

"Once the opponent is down, the battle is over. No need to kill off something that I have just acquired" Ciel smirked at me, truly believing that I was just some kind of delicate flower. Which to his credit, I do look rather fragile.

I just fluttered to the other side of the court yard, as Sebastian took his place in front of me. He seemed to be a little more weary then Ciel, very smart of him.

I waited for the signal to began, and when I heard Ciel say start, I flicked my wrists. Out came twin fans, each a dark blue and black. I flicked them open and prepared myself for an attack.

Right then Sebastian came at me, his demon speed making him impossible to see by humans. For me though, he was going kinda slow. I ran at him head on, and once I got close enough, I flicked my fans out at him, out came sharp needle like knifes.

He dodged most of them but a few struck him in the stomach. He did not seem fazed by this, that is, until he found that he was not healing. I jumped into the sky, flying at him and flicking my fans again, he dodged them all this time, and came at me with a multiple kicks and punches.

I dodged all of them, not allowing him to even come close to touching me. He then proceeded to throwing knifes at me, I twirled my fans around, creating a wind that stop all the knifes. They clattered useless to the ground.

I flew at Sebastian at a alarming fast speed, I moved my fans diagonally across my body, manipulating the wind to do as I commended. The wind hit him directly, and he flew back. Deep gashes formed onto his torso, in the shape if an X.

He seemed dazed, he probably never had trouble before with fighting someone. He tried again to land a hit on me, but each time I would just dodge and cause the wind to lash at him.

It was time to end this battle, I looked at Sebastian.

"You see demon, only a fey can cause harm to your kind. That is why the demons stayed on our good side" I created a mini tornado and sent it his way, he tried to get out of it way but was to weak to move fast enough.

It sucked him in, ripping at his flesh and clothes. When I believed he had enough, I moved my arm slightly and the wind stopped. He was dropped to the ground harshly. He attempted to get up but failed. I had won.

I fluttered down to where he was. "I am sorry for hurting you like I did." He just glared at me. Seems like someone is not used to losing.

Ciel made his way over to us, his expression unreadable, but I knew by the set if his jaw, that he was unhappy that he had been wrong.

I just smile at him and tilted my head to the side a little "Ne, seems like I am now your new bodyguard."

And with that, my employment at the Phantomhive manor began.


I was just happy writing about how she beat the stuffing out of Sebastian! :P Anyways hoped you liked it!!




Ta-ta for now


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