Sweet Little Butterfly (Black Butler fanfiction)

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This is my first attempt to write a fan-fiction, so I hope I do a good job. :)
also on the side is pics and a video :)
I do not own any if the characters besides the OC and maybe some others along the way. Black Butler belongs to Yana Toboso. I also do not own the cover pic, ownership goes to the one who made it.

This is the story of a Butterfly Fairy, a very rare breed that some thought did not even exist. Here is some info on her:

Name: Does not have one until later on.

Age: unknown

Species: Butterfly Fey

Personality: Very tranquil, peaceful in her mannerisms, soft spoken but not a push over. Has a very calming effect on people, even demons and reapers. She also has the mannerisms of a butterfly, not allowing people to get to close to her, with out her flying away. The ones she trusts is the ones she will allow to touch her. She is caring and kind hearted, loves all animals and never one to judge. She can get angry but that is very rare, this only happens if someone she cares about is hurt. But none the less she deals with it in a very deadly calm manner.

Likes: She loves the outdoors and playing her flute. She loves sweets and has to have some form of sweet treat during every meal. *She also loves any type of flower

Dislikes: She does not care for fake people, the fake smiles and manners. She quickly calls our dear butler out on this :). People who judge others and are mean hearted. Loud noises and people that invade her personal space after she asks them not to.

Height: 4'8 (small and like a doll)
Hair: black and short, with two long bangs in the front, framing her face.
Eyes: ocean blue or sky blue. When she is troubled her eyes will turn a stormy blue shade.
Outfit: The same one shes wearing in the pic
She also has big butterfly wings and butterfly antennas, the wings are a mix of different shades of blue that then bleed into a dark blue then black. She can choose to hide these features if she wants to.

Now lets get on with the story! Hope you enjoy :) .


(Somewhere deep in a forest)

The light from the morning sun shined brightly into the meadow. Many kinds of flowers were in full bloom, creating a beautifully colorful scene. In the middle if this meadow was a small girl, her magnificent wings out and fluttering gently behind her. In her hands was a small flute, the morning sunshine reflecting off the silver instrument.

The young girl then slowly raised the instrument to her pale pink lips and began to play. (Music can be found on the side). The unearthly magical music filled the air, the soft alluring sound brought forth many different kinds of animals. They gathered around the form of the young butterfly and listened to her music.

Once the song was done, she gently brought her flute down and put it away in its small black case. She then gave a gentle smile to the wild life that had gathered and said in a soft, musical voice "It was a pleasure to play for you all, but I must be going. There is a certain boy who needs my help, the same goes for his 'hell of a butler'". With a final smile she fluttered to her feet and began her journey to the Phantomhive manor.



The young Phantomhive earl had just sold his soul to one hell of a butler. Unknown by these two that a certain fey was coming to visit.

What was in store for these three beings? A human, a demon, and a sweet little butterfly. It sure will be one hell of a story...


Authors Notes :)

Hello everyone! I hope I got you all interested in my little story!! It has been in my head for the longest time, and I finally got my lazy butt to write it!! YAY ME!! I can't wait for her to meet the black butler crew!!! Ahhhh it's going to be fun writing about them all :)

I would love for you guys to comment and give me tips if you have any :)

Ta-ta for now my little butterfly's!!!! Till next time!!!

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