Chapter 7 Dance Lessons part 2

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Disclaimer: I do not own Black Butler, I only own my OC and any others that may join.

Pic on the side ------>


Shizuka P.O.V

Master Ciel tightened his hand around my petite one, and began to dance. Following the steps that Sebastian had shown him. I just guided him through the motions, but mainly allowing him to lead.

Sebastian had started playing his violin and the sound was beautiful. I had turned my head toward him and smiled brightly at the demon butler. He seemed kind of set back, his face showing his confusion on why I had smiled at him.

I just slipped into his mind and spoke "Your playing is enchanting" my voice was a soothing whisper inside his mind. His face turned slightly shocked, probably not aware that I could talk within someone's mind. But then he smirked at me, and replied "I am one hell of a Butler"

I just laughed out loud, and turned my attention back to the young master. He was looking at me with a cold blue eye. "What's so funny?" His voice clipped and sharp. I just smiled at him, not allowing his mood to ruin mine. "Your butler said something quite funny to me."

He just glanced at Sebastian with a questioning look. "But he did not speak." He turned his attention back on to me.

"We were having a conversation within our minds."

"You can get into a persons mind?" Slight interest laced his words.

"Yes and no. I can speak to a person within their minds and they can reply. But I can not read their minds."

We continued to dance, master Ciels movements improving but still slightly off count.

"Could you learn to though?" His blue eye alight with an idea. I just contemplated his questions. I knew that I could but knew that if I told him, he would use that ability for his revenge.

"It is possible, but it may take time..." I looked at him dead in the eye "Master Ciel, to much knowledge can drive the best of men to insanity. I will work on my ability but their will be limits to how much knowledge I will allow you to excess. "

His face turned into pure rage, his arm around my waist tightened painfully, his hand crushed mine. I just remained calm, allowing his anger to take its course.

"You are MY tool. If I ask you to give me information, you WILL give it to me." Venom laced his words, I just looked upon his face in sadness. His very soul crying out to me. So I did what his soul was begging for. I gave him comfort.

I got loose from his hold, and wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him soothingly. His whole body went rigid and he looked at me with a frozen expression.

"When the time comes I will decide which information will be of used to you. But other then that I will not allow to much information to corrupt your soul anymore then it already is." My voice was calm and gentle. Wrapping around him in a warm embrace.

He seemed like he was fighting with himself. Part of him accepting my terms, the other angry that I would go against him. But in the end the first one won, and he nodded ever so slightly.

I smiled warmly at him, and brushed some of his hair back gently. His soul brightened up ever so slightly.

And that's when I knew that I was melting the cold, dark heart of Ciel Phantomhive.

Let the battle begin.


Don't forget to:




Ta~ta for now


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