Chapter 1

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Hi everyone :) here is the first chapter to Sweet Little Butterfly :)


I do not own any of the Black Butler characters. I only own my OC and any others that may come into the story. Black Butler is owned by Yana Toboso.



Third person p.o.v

The young fey soon came to England, with the hustle and bustle of the streets and the chattering people, the young fey grew a little weary, but none the less continued on her journey to the Phantonhive manor.

Making her way down cobble streets, she kept a look out for any sign to where the young lords house maybe. She blew out a little sigh, wishing to be able to fly but not wanting to alert anybody of her arrival. All she needed is some demon or reaper to find out that the fey race wasn't all extinct, not yet anyway.

She continued down the street, keeping away from the crowds until she heard some wealthy looking man speaking.

"Have you heard of the young earl Phantomhive? He is just a baby!! Hahaha he won't last much longer, hope he will learn when to give up playing grownup."

The round belled man gave another hearty laugh and his company did as well. The fey frowned a tad bit at the mans words but walked over gracefully to ask him a question.

"Excuse me kind sir, I'm in need of some help. I need to find the location of the Phantomhive manor. If you could give me the directions, I would really appreciate it." She gave a small charming smile to the man.

The man in question looked down at the small doll like girl and blushed a little. The girl had a empowering aura and seemed to be effecting the humans.

"Ah y-yes, I do indeed know the way. May I ask why such a cute little lady as yourself would be visiting there?" He smiled down at her.

"Simple business is all, I am in a hurry so could you please show me the way" She asked, making sure to keep at least a foot away from this man. The man nodded and then told her the way to the manor, she nodded her thanks and was off. Going the way that he told her.



Ciel was sleeping soundly in his bed, the soft glow of the morning sun spreading through out the room. It was the day after the Italian mafia kidnapped him and the poor boy was still tired over that ordeal.

Then the door to his bedroom opened up without a sound, and a tall, black haired butler came in. Pushing in a breakfast cart, he made his way over to the bed, then walked over to the curtains and opened them up. Allowing the full rays of sunshine to enter into the gigantic room.

"My lord, it is time to wake up, your breakfast will get cold." The velvety voice of the butler made its way into the room, attempting to wake the young boy up.

Ciel shifted a bit, but stayed mostly asleep. The butler known as Sebastian sighed a little. Walking over to his masters bed and gently shaking him awake.

"Hmm Sebastian, what is it?" Ciel asked with a little bit of annoyance in his voice. He was just woken up from a very peaceful dream. One that had a blue and black butterfly in it.

"I'm deeply sorry milord, but it's time for you to get up. " Sebastian said with his trade mark smirk in place.

Ciel sighed and sat up "Very well, help me get dressed Sebastian" The voice void of any emotion. The young earl has tried to lock away most of his emotions, the only thing he cared about was his revenge.

"Certainly young master"

Sebastian then got Ciel dressed and ready for the day, the young earl finished his breakfast and tea. Making his way to his office to begin another day.

Sebastian then made his way to where the other staff was. Madam Red had wanted him to teach her butler the ways of begin, well like himself.

For some of the day Sebastian had helped Grell to become a better butler. The other staff was off doing what they normally do. Finnian was trying to garden, May-rin was dropping plates, Baldroy tried to use his flame thrower, and Tanaka was just enjoying some tea.

All of a sudden the door bell rang, announcing the arrival of a guest.

"Hmm who could that be" muttered Sebastian, making his way over to the door and opening it up with a smile. But what greeted him at the other side of the door came as a shock.

"Hello, I am sorry that I have come without any notice but I need to talk to Earl Phantomhive" the young girl asked him in her soft, elegant voice.

There before him was a small, doll like girl with startling crystal blue eyes. She had a small smile that was gracing her lips as she stared up at him, waiting for his answer.

"Why of course, my name is Sebastian. What is your name my lady?" He then put in place his trade mark smirk.

"I do not have a name sir, but you may call me whatever you please" she smiled a closed eye smile.

"No name? Well that is certainly peculiar" he said with a shake of his head, still smirking. He lead her inside and started to walk to Ciel's study.

"You will understand soon enough, so there is no need to try to investigate me or ask me anymore questions. You will get your answers soon enough" she walked beside him, with out a sound. Sebastian glanced down at her, extremely curious now on who this person was.

"Very well, but just know that if you try to hurt milord in anyway that you will be apprehended and punished." Said in the same smug velvety voice.

"Well of course, I have no wish to hurt him or anyone in that matter. I have come a long ways to see him and I merely want to ask him if he is in need of a bodyguard" she said lightly, while waving a hand that was in her too long sleeve.

"Bodyguard? Are you here to represent someone else?" The butler asked becoming slightly confused. There is no way this tiny human girl could be expecting them to hire her, could she?


HI MY LITTLE BUTTERFLY'S!! It is I!! Wolfie-chan :D I hope that you enjoyed this chapter, and just for a warning I will not go exactly as the episodes. That just takes to much time and I think if you are reading this you know how Black Butler goes. :)

Keep tuned and learn more about who this girl is and why she wants to be Ciel's bodyguard!!!

Ta-ta for now!


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