36| Sperm Eye

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I have a beautiful girl, a baby boy, cars, money, 2 houses, stupid friends, my parents, her family. What else do i need?
I'm perfectly fine, I have everything I want. I couldn't ask for anything better other than for Julius to stop interrupting sex just to get some grape juice.

But other than that, I'm happy everything is just per......

"What!" I glared at Zoey who was laughing at me.
"You've been staring at them for the past hour now, Luke's been calling you." She said and i sighed taking one my glance my my child and his mother before going to Luke.

"What do you mean what?"
"What do you want Luke." I asked and he sighed before he glanced around.

"So don't tell Zoey but.....I went to the doctor yesterday and." He started and I raised a brow before he released a shaky breath.
"I have cancer."
My face immediately dropped.

"You expect me to keep this from her."
"She'll go into a full on worry mode and i can have that okay, she's already stressing about Jeffrey getting in trouble at school and stuff."

"Yeah bur dude this is more serious than that."
"I told him i want to do Kemo."
"You'll loose your hair."
"They said there's a process for that?"

"And if it doesn't work what happens next, I just tell her you have cancer when your close to death then shell hate me for not telling her sooner." I whispered yelled and he held his head.

"Please just not yet, just until the first process is cleared." He said and I glared at him, I can't keep this from Zoey and its even more stressful that i might loose him to Cancer.

"Fine." I said and he hugged me with a loud sigh.
"Mama!" I felt the tug on my hand and i looked down at Julius.

"Mama, mommy wants to talk to you." He said pulled my hand, I picked him up before I looked at Luke who was coughing like a jackass.

"What does mommy want Hmm?" I asked and he smiled shrugging his shoulders. Going to Alice who was in the kitchen.

"Yes ma'am." I said and she looked up at me and smiled before she gave him a cookie. He escaped from my arms and ran off, little shut did this for a cookie.

"Whats going on with Luke he doesn't look too good." Fuck. I looked away from her before I went to hug her.
"He's doing fine just a little sic-"
"If you lie ill cancel the sleepover he had with Emily, which means no sex."

"He has cancer."
"Sush, shut up and keep your voice down." I said and she mumbled sorry before i sighed and told her everything. Yes im snitching for sex, it's been two months since our last session and i can go for another.

"I hope he fights it." She said and i nodded my head wanting that too, I can't bare to loose him after all these years. He's like my third brother. Other the two who hasn't contacted me in so long but it's fine. I see how it is.

"He doesn't want Zoey to know until the first process is over."
"But she has to, he needs her support on this mostly Sage and you know this." She said and i nodded my head before she rested her head on my chest.

"She's pregnant again." She said and I looked over at Zoey who I know noticed wasn't drinking any alcohol like the others. How could i have not seen that, I sighed before I moved some hair from her face.

"Itll work okay, he'll get better, he'll fight it and they can have their baby." I said reassuring us both because I'm praying he gets better.

(Later That Night)

"Guess who's asleep." She said walking while wiggling her brows. I smiled before i patted the spot next to me.

She joined me in bed and I turned the lights off before i put my phone away.
She took of her shirt and shorts before she threw them to the ground.
I took off my pants and shirt before i cuddled up next to her.

"Take your bra off too." She said and i sighed before i did so, she smiled and started to play with my breast.
We're not having sex because right after our small get together her period came and I hated it but she demanded that we cuddled up half naked tonight.

"You know i once imagined you with dark nipples." She said and i smiled before i kissed her forehead.
"Pale skin and dark nipples are sexy." I said and she agreed before she pinched my nipples.

"I think i want another baby."
"Excuse me."
"I mean Julius agrees, he wants a brother or a sister."
"Ma'am I don't want to wait too long for sex anymore so calm your shit and let me cum on your tits for now."
She started to laugh making me roll my eye.

She thinks im joking.
"You remember that night when your cum went into my eye-"
I couldn't stop myself from laughing, the way she sprinted to the bathroom was even funnier.

"Its not funny." She laughed and I tried to catch my breath. "You know what was worse, the shower sex. When the soap fell and you-"
"Fuck you. Don't even start. We dont talk about that day and you know it." I said sitting up and she laughed even harder.

"The first time Julius walked in on us when having sex was so awkward." I said and she laughed even more.
"He was like 'what are you to doing'" I said laughing and she started to cough making me laugh even more.

"I told you to close the office door but no-"
"I didn't think he would reach the handle." I defended myself and she shook her head before she leaned on me.

"They said your first time having sex should've been special." She said and i smiled.
"Mine wasn't." She finished and I gasped looking at her.
"How could you-"
"Don't start, you fucked me in the movies."

"But you didn't stop me you were enjoying the ride." I said and she blushed looking away.
"Go to bed babe."
"I'll make it up to you ok our anniversary." I said and she looked at me raising a brow.

"You sure because I know how you get with crazy ideas you mental fuck."
I could only laugh at her words

"Whatever, we can fuck in the pool if you want."
"Why not on a jet."
"Or in public."

"Whats with you and public sex." She hit me with her pillow.
"You signed the contract remember." I said and she kissed her teeth.
"You burnt it when we had Julius so stop looking for excuses." I raised my hands in defense before she sighed.

"Im tried, i can't go anymore." I pulled her closer so we could cuddle. With her face in my neck and our arms wrapped around each other we fell asleep.

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