30| Baby Shopping

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Back in California in an actual baby shop shopping for things even though she's just a few weeks in. Even though she's she's picky with foods, it's still hard to make her eat what she should especially carrots.

"Can we cash now I'm getting hungry." She side from my side. Holding the basket in one hand while we hold hands with the other makes me feel all bubbly and cute.
I nodded my head as we left to the cash register.

Other than Alice's, Zoey's belly is growing big which has us thinking if she's having twins. The two decided to fo and live in New York so now Luke left me with Kaz and his sex crazed boyfriend Quincy and honestly I've caught them about 6 times this month.

This fucking month, like relax dude.

After cashing her sister called her as we headed to the car to leave.
They spoke the entire ride home, and when we got home. I made sure she kept her bored ass in bed instead of walking all over the place.

Going to the kitchen I decided to make her something to eat as she said she was hungry.

(Her food is in the media above⬆️)

Taking it up to our room I found her asleep, her cute little tummy was growing and i loved it. I set the food on the small table before i shook her lightly.
"Baby wake up." I said and she opened her eyes with a groaned.

"I have food baby get up." I said and in an instant she sat up rubbing her face. I smiled as i handed her the food, she smiled taking it from me and and began to eat her food.
I watch as she ate the carrots as well making me smile, I laid on the bed and watched as she ate her food peacefully.

Once she was finished I took the plate down and started to clean up. I felt her small arms around my waist, i looked back at her as I dried my hands.
"Whats wrong princess?" I asked and she nuzzle her face in my back.

"Let's bath together." She said and i hummed nodded my head before i put the cloth down and turned in her arms.
I kissed her forehead making her smile up at me and i smiled at her cuteness, I can't get enough i swear she's going to kill me.

I picked her up catching her by surprise and also me.
"Fuck that baby is making you heavy." I said making her a laugh a little.
"What if I was fat."
"Hey I'm not complaining I get to see stretch marks." I said making her laugh, placing her on the bed as we reached our room I went to the bathroom to set up the bath.

"You know i put carrot in the food right." I said making her gasp.
"The little orange flowers." I said laughing and she groaned whining outside the bathroom.
"How could you, I didn't even realize." She said and i smiled before i left the room.

"Get in the bath by the time I get back." I said and she huffed before she got up. I made sure the house was locked up and I dimmed the lights just a bit before I went back to our room.
I closed the door before I took my shirt off.

I closed the bathroom door watching as she rubbed her belly slightly.
"You know i realize you barely have any hair on your legs."
"Laser." I said and she hummed before I got in with her after stripping completely.

She wrapped her arms around me before she looked up at the dim lights. I hugged her body making me fell her small bump.
"If my belly gets too big will you shave my legs for me?" She asked and i smiled before I pecked her lips.

"Of course I will." I said before I rested my head on her shoulder. She was quiet for some time until she said the words that made my heart beat stop for some time before starting again.
"What If the baby dies." She said and her voice cracked.

I couldn't imagine it, I kissed her neck before I kissed her silent tears away. "Their not gonna die okay, we are gonna have a beautiful girl or boy. And their gonna grow big and healthy okay." I said hearing my own voice cracking, I don't know if either of our hearts would take it if our baby dies.

She nodded her head before she cleared her throat kissing my cheek. "You didn't eat anything." She said changing the subject and I smiled before i kissed her cheek.

"Its okay, I'll eat some after. Doctor told me you should try some yoga." I said and she laughed rolling her eyes, pulling up her running nose a bit.
"I'll try, but your doing it with me." She said and i kissed her lips.

"I'll do it with you." I said and we got into bed with each other after the shower, she rushed me to eat and so i did before I came back in bed and we fell asleep together.

The next day came......along with Anika.
Opening the door half asleep i saw her with Emily, emily had juices in a box but Anika had a glass of wine.

"What are you guys doing here it's like 5 in the morning." I said letting them in before closing the door.
"Its been a while since i saw you guys, where is she?" Anika asked and I motioned for them to give me a minute while i go for her.

As I walked upstairs I went into the room and saw her trying to get her dress, I helped her get it on making her thank me.
"Anika and Emily is downstairs." I told her and she smiled.
"I know, she told me yesterday that she's coming." She said and i blinked at her, I didn't know about any of this.

She kissed my cheek before she told me to get ready. I did so before heading down in joggers and a shirt, no bra. Am not feeling it today to wear any bra.

I sat on the couch next to them before they girls decided to fo make breakfast. I yawned before I looked at Ankia who wiggled the red wine.
"Too early." I lied and she rolled her eyes.

"Come on, it's stressful to deal with a pregnant woman and even after birthing a child so let's get glasses." She said and i gave in getting two glasses real quick before i went back to her.
"So how are you feeling, you guys excited." She said and I smiled nodded my head.

"Bought some things yesterday, planning on setting up the baby room today or tomorrow. Yesterday she asked what would happen if the baby died." I said and she paused her actions in opening the bottle.

"Shit man." She said under her breath and i nodded my head.

"Let's just hope that won't happen yeah?"

I nodded mybhead once again.
"Yeah, let's hope so."

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