03| Shopping

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When i woke up, I did my duty after working out and pulled on some clothes.

When i woke up, I did my duty after working out and pulled on some clothes

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Yes I was going out with Alice today.
We're to go shopping for her little, we texted last night and i found out she didn't have any.

I grabbed my keys and wallet before I picked up my phone and left the house. My men were ready for anything but I told them i was doing some simple shopping and not to worry. Luke was out with his girlfriend so i had no one to stress or tease me about Alice.
I had made sure to tell her not to work today because I bet our entire day will be filled with shopping.

I drove to pick her only having to wait for about 5 minutes until she walked out wearing a white tennis skirt and black crop top hoodie. She had on knee high black socks and with it was some black and white converse. She looked adorable, I unlocked the door just as she opened the door and get in.

"You look adorable." I said making her laugh with a small smile. "And you look handsome." She said before checking the time. "Why are we out so early?" She asked and I shrugged checking the time, we passed a few people heading to work.

"I'm not really sure, did you get to eat?" I asked and she nodded with a smile. We spoke for a little and then spoke about a few things ill have to buy.
"My friend said that her daddy bought her a crib." She said in disbelief and i chuckled, sounds like something Luke would do for his.

Pulling up at the mall i sighed before making sure I had everything, as we walked it she laced our fingers and i smiled at her bold move before i held her hand. Pushing my free hand in my pocket I lead her to the escalators. Going up I saw some boys looking at her and i rolled my eyes. She's literally older than them, anyways she's mine. I pulled her closer to me and she looked up at confused but didn't complain but lean on me.

When we reached the top floor I took her to a specific store where I'm going to buy her whatever see need.
It wasn't a store to by baby things in, well kind but it was specifically for Littles. It did take us a while to find things in the colour she wanted but we got enough.

When we entered another store i could've sworn i saw a glimpse of Luke. I ignored it as i saw her go towards a black blanket with gold roses and veins all over. I flipped it over and saw the other side was white with gold roses as well. "You like it?" I asked and she nodded her head before her eyes darted to the price.

I took it away and folded it before putting it in the basket. "But-"
"When were shopping we don't look at prices Alice." I said and she rolled her eyes before letting out a huff.
"Rich people." She said and i smiled before turning her to another side with stuffies only to bump into Zoey and Luke.

The two girls hugged each other leaving us confused.
"I haven't seeing you in years Alice." Zoey said and I looked at Luke who looked at my basket he smirked before I looked at his. It was filled with mostly pink and cream colors.
"Awe my two favorite people are in the same place." Zoey said before hugging me. I smiled and pat her head.
"Yeah that's too much hugging." Luke said pulling her to him making her laugh.

We made the girls talk for a while as we spoke about business. "So he spoke but his wife lost a toe." He said and I rolled my eyes, if he spoken fast enough she didn't have to be in pain.
"Turns out he gave the cargo to Valentino." Fucking hell, I groaned knowing it's going to be a hard task to get them back.

"Does he know that the cargo is ours." I said and he nodded his head before he made that look which said there was something else. "What." I asked and he looked at the ground before whispering.
"He wants a meeting."
"Fuck, Luke what the hell."
"Its not me okay, I know how Valentino is okay and we might never get our goods back." He said and I was about to speak when Alice came to me.

"Mommy Im sleepy." I sighed before I ignored Luke and put my attention on the pile of cuteness before me. "Let's cash out and let you sleep." I said and she smiled nodding her head before holding my free hand.
She waved bye to Zoey who smiled and waved back. When we cash I got her back to the car without her falling asleep.

I drove home and decided to use the room that's attaches to mine as her little room. I placed her on the bed before i got to cleaning with her room. By time i was finished it was night and the room looked pretty, i was sterilizing her sippy cup and etc.

When I was done I had the stuffies she picked out washed and dried for her. I was making dinner for us to eat when I suddenly heard footsteps. I thought I was Alice and mind nothing of it.
"You hungry love?" I asked and getting ready to server the dish but stopped when I heard the annoying voice.

"Not really." Turning around i saw Ashley. "The fuck are you doing here?" I asked and she sighed before dropping a pregnancy test that was positive.
"Its not yours, it's Samwell." She said and i groaned, why is she tell me as if i cared. "He doesn't live here anymore so-"
"Where can i find him then because he won't answer my texts." Wow that funny.
"I have no value he's a grown man i don't keep track of him, now please leave." I said and she groaned before she noticed two plates.

"You already moved on-"
"So im that easy to forget?"
"You fucked my brother countless times so yes. Are you gonna leave or not." I said really wanting her our of the house. I motioned for one of my men to take her out since she wasn't moving.

Now it's time to call my baby donwn to eat.

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