7. Tis The Damn Season

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Hell. This is hell. There is no other explanation. Maybe I drank so much that I died of alcohol poisoning? I bang on his hotel room door for atleast fifteen minutes before he opens it. "For fucks sake, why are you still dressed like a disco ball? Was tormenting me yesterday not enough?"

Oh, I'll torment him alright. I'll torment his next five generations. "What the fuck is this?" He looks at the paper in my hand then up at me. "How would I know? Look I am hungover and tired just let me be." I will gut him alive. "This is a fucking marriage certificate!" I shove him inside his room and lock the door behind me.

"You got married?" Dear God, forgive for I will strangle this man to death. "Yes."

"To who?"

"To you!" His eyes open wide before he snatches the paper out of my hand and stares at it in disbelief. He then looks at the ring on my finger and frowns. "Is that plastic?" Is he blind? "No its metal. I assume it's steel." Because this thing is definitely not silver or platinum. I look at the diamond and just as my fingers touch it, it falls on the ground. Yeah that is definitely plastic. It has no shine at all.

He looks at his ring, then back up at me. "I can't be married to you."

"Yeah, well same. I don't want to be married to you. I thought this shit only happens in Vegas! How could they let two drunk people get married?!" What is wrong with America?

"This is LA, not very different from Vegas but seriously how the hell did this happen?" I only remember bits and pieces. We were walking back to the hotel, saw a church on the way and then got fucking married!

"Do you Mr. Dev Sinha, take this woman to be your wife?"


"And do you, Ms. Isha-"

"I wouldn't really want to but he already said yes, and I don't wanna hurt his feelings. So yeah, sure." He smiles down at me, utterly drunk and tired, but smiles. He never smiles at me.

"Great. I married a grump!"

"And I married a unicorn!"

What the fuck even was this? Why did I even drink? Why did he drink? He said he was going as my chaperone. What kind of a chaperone gets drunk and marries the woman he was supposed to look after?

He falls on the bed, then picks up a pillow and groans into it. "This cannot be happening."

"Flash news genius, it already happened." What are we gonna do?

"Isha, please for the love of God, shut up."

"Oh, I am sorry but I am panicking. I have a family that I share the house with. I answer to them. My parents hid their marriage from the family but atleast they were conscious when they got married! I was fucking drunk. What will I tell them? I am the youngest in the family, how can I get married first?"

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