3. I Knew You Were Trouble

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"Did you freeze my trust fund?" Not an ideal conversation for early morning but here we all are

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"Did you freeze my trust fund?" Not an ideal conversation for early morning but here we all are. Isha glared at Trisha who in turn stood opposite her with squared shoulders. Isha was only two inches shorter than Trisha, but the latter had an immense love for utterly tall death traps, in other words, heels. But Isha wasn't one to cower.

"Yes I did." Fuck breakfast or anything else, this was getting interesting. Advait sat on the couch with some files but his attention was now on his sisters. Samiksha sat beside him. Staring up at the two girls with widened eyes. Kunal sat on the couch beside Trisha. Enjoying the hell out of this show. All the elders just sat quietly, ping-ponging their gaze between the two. Riya and Ishaan also lived in the Kapoor mansion, too bored to live away from all the drama. Kunal had his own house, though he visited every weekend. And this Monday morning was his favorite. All the drama was here, afterall.

Isha snapped her neck towards her father. "Why did you have to give her the responsibility of managing our finances?" Ruhaan just shrugged and Trisha glared at her sister. "I did this so you learn how to survive. Everytime you get fired, you fall back on your trust fund. Well, not anymore. You will find a job and you will have to keep it for atleast six months to gain access back on your trust fund."

Isha gaped. "Excuse me. That is my trust fund. How and when I use it, should be my decision. And I only got fired because I had a bitch for a boss. Did you want me to deal with being overworked everyday?"

"Every boss is a bitch! They have to be, so people actually work. Laid back, lenient behavior doesn't do shit! All you have to do is not get fired. How fucking hard can it be?"

"Rich coming from you. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to work under someone? No you don't! You only have an office and work because you're a boss. You manage people. You wouldn't be able to do a job and work under somebody even if your life depended on it. And you won't even last a day as an employee. You'll be fired before the shift even ends!" Everyone stared at Isha open mouthed.

No one really said anything to Trisha, because, well she was fucking scary. But Isha had always been brave. "I am just surprised how one of your employee hasn't thrown coffee on you!" With that she was out the house. She had an interview and she needed to get the fucking job or her dragon of a sister would breathe out fire from her nose.

"Should we say something?" Samiksha whispered to her eldest brother who tsked. "Enjoy the show, Samiksha. Don't join it." She nodded and Advait and her both enjoyed their tea. "Well that was fun. I love it when people leave you mute. It's rare and amusing as fuck." Trisha glared at Kunal who smiled.

"I am doing this for her. She is 29. She is supposed to have a stable job and life by now."

"Ooh, it's like that? And who says one should be stable by 29? Society? But doesn't society also say that a woman should have a job, a husband and a baby by 31? What do you have?"

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