𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕪-𝕗𝕚𝕧𝕖: A Rude Awakening

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Nic enters the room a few minutes later, looking curious and a bit confused.

"Stan left," she says, walking over to sit beside Gina on the bed.

"He did?"

"Yeah, said his mom was in town and told me to tell you he'd just go home with her."

Oh, Gina thinks, he doesn't wanna hear Nic get spanked.

"Well, that's alright, I suppose," Gina says.

"Gina, I'm really sorry about what we did," Nic says, resting her head on her mother's shoulder,"I promise I won't do it again."

"I really hope ya mean that."

"I do. So how long am I grounded for?"

Here we go.

"You're not," Gina states.

Nic lifts her head and looks into her mother's eyes.


"I'm not gonna ground ya, Bella. What ya did last night was-"

"Dangerous," Nic finishes, rolling her eyes.

"Don't ya get an attitude with me! You're in enough trouble as it is."

Nic's face scrunches up in confusion.

"I thought you weren't grounding me."

"I'm not," Gina takes a deep breath, before continuing,"Bella, I'm gonna spank ya."

Nic scrambles off of the bed and takes a few steps away from her mother. She crosses her arms with a glare.

"No you're not."

"Yeah, I am," Gina says,"now come over here so we can get this over with."

"No!" Nic shouts, her face a mix of fear and hatred,"you said you'd never hit me!"

"And I meant it," Gina says, softly,"spanking and hitting are two different things."

"No the hell they aren't!"

"Language," Gina scolds,"So me spanking Stan just now was abuse?"

Nic doesn't know what to say for a minute. She knows that the spanking Gina gave Stan wasn't abuse. She also knows the woman she's lived with for two years would never abuse her.

"No," she admits,"I don't think it was abuse."

"Then the spanking I'm about to give ya isn't abuse either, is it?"

"I-I don't know," Nic says, her voice breaking,"I don't want a spanking, Gina."

The sorrow in her daughter's voice causes tears to prick at Gina's eyes.

"I know, darlin'. Nobody ever does. But if I don't spank ya, you'll just do it again."

"No I won't," Nic protests.

"Yes," Gina says with a sigh,"yes, ya will. Ya always do. I'm hoping that after I spank ya today, you'll start thinking before ya act."

Nic's eyes dart to the door, then back to Gina.

"Don't even think about it," Gina warns.

But Gina's warning doesn't stop Nic from sprinting towards the door. Her hand is on the knob in seconds, but Gina's right behind her.

"Let go of me," Nic screams, as Gina pulls her back over to the bed,"you're not spanking me!"

Gina doesn't say anything as she sits back down, keeping a tight grip on her daughter's arm.

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