𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪-𝕗𝕠𝕦𝕣: Broken Plates

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The next day, Gina and Nic are up early cleaning the house.

Nic vacuums while Gina straightens pillows and rearranges the coffee table. By the time eleven o'clock rolls around, Nic is done with cleaning.

"Are we done yet?"

"Well, I guess so," Gina says, inspecting the room,"looks alright to me."

Nic plops down on the couch and puts her feet up on the coffee table.

"Gina, they don't care what the house looks like."

"That may be so, but I certainly care what the house looks like. And get your feet off my coffee table."

Nic rolls her eyes and stands up. She walks over to the fridge and opens it, peering inside. After rummaging around for a minute, she lifts her head and looks in Gina's direction.

"What's for lunch?"

Gina raises a brow,"I thought you were making lunch."

"What?" Nic scoffs,"I don't know how to cook."

"As many times as you've helped with dinner, I'd think you'd know your way around a kitchen. You're plenty old enough to start making your own lunches. Just as you're plenty old enough to learn how to do your own laundry."

"Pretty sure that's considered child labor," Nic says with a smirk.

Just then, there's a heavy knock at the door.

Nic runs to open it, her stocking feet sliding across the hardwood floor.

"Don't let that door bang against the wall," Gina yells.

But it's already too late. Nic throws the door open and it slams against the wall, no doubt leaving a dent this time.

"Bella," Gina scolds, pinching the bridge of her nose.

Nic doesn't pay attention to her mother, she's too excited to see her friends. She ushers them inside, and leaves Mrs. Montgomery standing awkwardly outside the open door.

Once she reaches the door, Gina apologizes to Kate's mother.

"Oh, it's no matter," Julianne Montgomery says, waving her hand dismissively,"she's just excited."

Gina smiles warmly,"Well I'm sorry anyway. Would ya like to come in for a bit?"

"No, thank you, my husband needs my help with some things at the church. But do let me know if Kate gives you any trouble. She's a good girl, but I know that when children get together with their friends, they tend to act up."

"Yes they do," Gina says with a laugh,"but I've never had any trouble with Kate before and I doubt I will today."

"Well, I really must get going," Julianne says, backing away from the door,"what time should I come get her?"

"Anytime after dinner, if that's all right. I'll text Lorie and tell her the same."

"Alrighty, sounds good. Goodbye, Gina."


Gina shuts the door and turns towards the three children who are on the couch.

"I don't wanna watch that stupid movie," Stan snaps.

"Well, what do you wanna watch then? There's nothing else on."

"I dunno, let's watch something cool and not so boring."

Nic looks at Kate with an exasperated expression. She then turns back to Stan and hands him the remote.

"Then find something you like."

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