𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕪-𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖: Bad Idea

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"Tell me everything."

Will is positive his face reveals how surprised he is to finally be allowed to talk about this.


"Ya better get on with it before I change my mind," Gina says, though her tone isn't as harsh as before.

"Well, you got my note, didn't you?"

Judging by the look on Gina's face, Will is sure she got it. And she apparently didn't appreciate it.

"So you did get my note. Well, that explained some of it, but not all of it. If I remember right the note said I couldn't marry you because something had-"

Come up, Gina finishes in her head. She's memorized the note, it's in pieces because of how many times she's read it.

"And something did come up," Will continues,"my best friend, Mark, you remember him?"

Gina nods.

"Okay, so the day we were supposed to get married, I got a call from his parents. He had died in a car accident."

Gina's face softens a bit.

"I was so devastated. I mean, me and that guy had grown up together, he was gonna be in our wedding," Will's face twists in despair,"he was on his way to our wedding when.. when it happened."

When the waiter returns with their food, they thank him, but neither make a move to eat.

"I didn't know what to do, Gina," Will's voice catches,"I called my dad and told him. He said if I left you at that altar, I'd better never come back around you again. He said it'd break your heart. And, I guess it did."

A tear falls down Gina's face, she doesn't even bother wiping it away.

"At that moment, I was so heartbroken, all I could think to do was run. I had to get outta this town. So I did. I joined the army and did pretty well. Rose through the ranks real fast, but finally I was ready to get outta that. And here I am."

"The army, huh?"

Before she can stop herself, Gina runs her eyes over Will's broad shoulders and his shirt sleeves that barely contain his muscled arms.

That must be how he gained so much muscle.


"Huh?" Gina says, her eyes snapping to Will's.

"Thanks for the compliment. I worked hard for these muscles."

"Did I say that out loud?" Gina asks, her eyes growing wide.

"You did," he says with a smirk.

Gina rolls her eyes, but can't hide her smile. She wants to be embarrassed, but she doesn't feel it.

"I missed that," Will says, his expression warm as he watches Gina.

"Missed what?"

"That smile. It always made me fall in love with you all over again."

Gina's cheeks flush and she looks away. She takes a bite of her porkchop and her face turns sour.

"Told you to order your usual," Will chuckles.

"I was mad. I wasn't thinking."

"So you're not mad anymore?"

Gina thinks for a moment, she wants to be angry with him. But all her previous anger has disappeared.

"I wanna be," she admits,"but I'm not angry with ya right now. I'm still hurt, but that's gonna take time to get over."

Will nods in understanding, and stands to his feet.

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