𝕋𝕨𝕠: Backdoor Surprise

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It was a Saturday which meant the cafe was busy and Regina Flynn was about two seconds away from kicking everyone out and closing up for the rest of the day. But she figured if she did that, she wouldn't get much business in the days following. So, as always, she straightened her apron, tucked loose strands of auburn hair behind her ears, and got back to work.

"Chrissy, I'm gonna need a stack a pancakes and a side a eggs."

Chrissy looked up from her place by the stove,"On it, Gina!"

Regina nodded and pushed open the swinging door that led to the dining room of the cafe. She approached a couple that needed a coffee refill.

"How's the food?" Gina asked with a smile as she filled the empty mugs.

"Delicious as always," the man replied, returning the warm smile.

"Grand. Well, if ya need anything let me know," Gina left the couples table and walked back through the swinging door.

"Chrissy, have ya got those pancakes ready for me?"

"Putting em' on the plate now," the woman answered. She put a dollop of butter on top before handing it to her boss.


The woman turned towards the voice that had called her name. It was Mabel, one of her waitresses.

"There's someone at the door for you."

Gina raised a brow in surprise,"At the back door?"

"Yeah, seems important."

"Alright," the plate of food was handed back to Chrissy, "take this to table eight. I'll go and see what all this is about."

When Gina was eight years old her parents had moved her and her two sisters from Dublin, Ireland to America. Her mother loved cooking and when she saw that there was a vacant two-story building in town, she had decided to buy it and turn it into a cafe. The family had lived in the two bedrooms upstairs while the cafe operated downstairs.

Because the back door was located in the living room, it was off limits for cafe employees and customers. Which meant Gina was the only one who ever used it, making her all the more curious about who was on the other side of it right now.

She placed her hand on the knob and opened the door, full of curiosity. As soon as she saw who stood before her, a smile spread across her face.

"Afternoon, Gina. It's been a while," Marcus greeted.

"Marcus Beckett," Gina's hands went to her hips, "last time I saw you, your hair was near down to your knees. I see you've finally cut it back."

Marcus nodded quickly, wanting to move past the bad haircut he'd had in highschool,"Gina, I need to talk to you."

It was then that Gina finally noticed the small brunette that was standing next to her friend. She gave Marcus a confused look, and told him to come inside. The little girl following closely behind.

"Why don't ya both sit down and I'll make us a wee cup of tea?" Gina offered, already preparing the kettle.

"No," Marcus began,"no thank you, Gina. Can we all just sit down? There's something I'd like to discuss with you."

Gina's hand hovered over the kettle, she was incredibly confused. She hadn't seen this man
since their highschool graduation and that was almost sixteen years ago. What could he possibly want to talk to her about?

"Alright," she sat down in her favorite arm chair,"what can I do for you?"

"Nic, why don't you go sit out on the porch for a minute while I talk to Ms. Flynn," Marcus gave the young girl a look that dared her to argue.

She heaved a sigh and went outside, slamming the door behind her. Marcus winced at the sound.

"Sorry about that. She's not used to being told what to do."

Gina's brow furrowed,"Marcus, I don't mean to sound rude, but who is she?"

The man cleared his throat and straightened his tie before finally responding,"Her name is Isabella Riley, but she goes by Nic. She's not too fond of her first name."

"How in the world did she get Nic out of Isabella?" Gina asked.

"Her middle name is Nicole. Her parents called her Nic for short. Sometimes they would even call her Nicki."

Gina nodded, still not fully understanding what her friend was talking about,"I'm not sure I know what you mean."

She saw what looked like pain and fear in her friends eyes as he said,"Nic's parents died in a car accident when she was five. She was in the car with them when it happened, it's honestly a miracle she survived."

This didn't make any sense. She had thought that maybe the girl had been Marcus's daughter and he'd brought her to visit. But why would he have done that when they hadn't seen each other in over a decade? Now he says the girl has no parents?

"Nic has been in and out of foster homes since before she could read. Her mother was actually teaching her how to read when the accident happened. They found a children's book inside the car."

"Marcus I-"

He held up a hand to stop her,"Gina, none of her family would take her. She's all alone. This last home that I took her out of was bad. The woman would make her hold lit matches sideways until the fire was close enough to burn her hand."

"Jesus, Mary, and Joseph," Gina whispered, horrified by what she was hearing.

"That's not even the worst home she's been in. I mean this girl has been through hell. I refuse to place her into another home with people I don't know or trust," he gave Gina a pleading look.

Gina's eyes grew wide at his implication, she stood to her feet and shook her head, "If you're saying what I think you're saying, the answer's no."

Marcus rose to his feet too,"But, Gina-"

"No. I cannot take in a little girl. Not now and not ever. Do ya even know what you're asking me?"

"Yes, I know exactly what I'm asking you and I know it's a lot, but please just consider it."

"I will yeah," Gina replied, crossing her arms.

Marcus's eyes lit up,"You will?"

Gina rolled her eyes,"No! That means I most certainly will not be considering it! I have enough work to do around here as it is. I've been up to ninety with the cafe and now you want me to adopt a child?"

Marcus sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose,"I know it wouldn't be easy, Gina. But you're the only person I know that I would trust to properly care for her. You would be really good for her. She needs someone who isn't gonna turn tail at the first sign of trouble."

"Trouble? What do ya mean by trouble?"

"You know kids, Gina. They like to see what they can get away with. Nic can be a handful, but she's a good kid. She just needs someone to love her. And I really believe you're that person."

He could tell she was thinking about it, her eyes weren't hard anymore and her expression was almost soft.

"I thought there were a million steps to adoption. Wouldn't it take forever to get approved?" She asked.

Marcus smiled and shook his head. He opened a folder he'd been carrying, and pulled out some papers,"I may have already gotten you approved."

Gina was in disbelief,"It should be illegal to do this when the person involved has no knowledge of it."

With a nervous smile, Marcus said,"It is illegal. I just happened to know some people who were happy to help me out."

Gina was quiet for a second, then she sat back down.

Marcus watched her, anxiety evident in his expression.

With a shake of her head, Regina stuck out her open hand,"Give me the damn papers."

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