𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪-𝕤𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟: Snow Days

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Gina cuts the crust off the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and places them in separate bags.

Using a sharpie, she writes each child's name on the three bags.

"Bella, Stan, let's go!"

A minute later, the two children come barreling down the stairs.

Nic runs over to the counter and grabs her lunchbox full of food.

"Thanks, Gina," she says, cheerfully.

"You're welcome, darlin'. Just make sure ya share," Gina says, fixing her daughter with a look.

"I will."

Swinging her lunchbox, Nic walks out of the backdoor and heads for the car.

"Go and put your sled in the back of the car," Gina says, turning to Stan.

"Yes ma'am," he replies, heading for the door.


Stopping, he slowly turns to face Gina.

"Coat first."

"Oh, yes ma'am," Stan says, relieved that he'd misinterpreted her tone. He grabs his winter coat and goes to get his sled.

On the short drive to the park, Gina starts in on her lecture.

"Now ya both better stay inside the park. No talking to strangers or going off with 'em. Keep your coats, hats, and gloves on. Make sure you-"

"Gina," Nic groans from the backseat,"please spare us."

Gina shoots her daughter a look in the rearview mirror.

"I love ya, Ms Flynn, but I'm with Nic," Stan says, "We know what ya want us to do."

"Well I'm just making sure. Ya both seem to have trouble listening when you're around each other."

Stan and Nic share a look.

"We'll be good," Nic promises.

"I hope so."


Once they arrive at the park, Nic spots Kate's car immediately.

"Kate," she yells, throwing open her door before the car's even in park.

"Isabella Nicole!"

Nic barely hears her mother, she's already opening Kate's car door.

"Hey, Nic," Kate greets, exiting the car.

"Hey! Hey, Mrs. Montgomery!"

"Hello, Nic," the woman says.

Kate and Nic immediately fall into conversation as they walk over to where Stan is unloading his sled.

"Hi, Stan," Kate says, softly.

The boy throws a greeting over his shoulder.

"Nice sled. Did ya get it for Christmas?"

"Yeah," Stan says, pulling the sled out of the car.

"Don't ya scrape up my car with that," Gina warns.

"I ain't scraping up nothing."

Stan sets the sled down on the pavement, and turns to his friends.

"Who wants to try it out first?"

"Let's all go together," Kate suggests, tugging her hat down over her ears.

"Alright," Stan says. He picks up his sled and starts toward the snow covered hills.

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