𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪-𝕠𝕟𝕖: Thanksgiving

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It's finally Thanksgiving Day and Gina can barely contain her joy. As tired as she is from cooking so much food, she knows it's worth it.

"This'll be Bella's first real Thanksgiving since her parents died," Gina says softly, buttering the rolls.

Saoirse removes the pumpkin pie from the oven and places it on the counter to cool.

"The poor thing. I can't imagine going through something so painful at such a young age."

"I know," Gina agrees,"that's part of the reason I'm so lenient with her. She's been through so much. I just-I just want her to have the best life she could possibly have."

"Oh, Gina," Saoirse says, placing a hand on her sister's shoulder,"she already has the best life because she has someone who truly loves her. Someone who won't give up on her. And she knows it."

"Sometimes, I'm not so sure."

The back door swings open, interrupting the conversation.

Gina and Saoirse continue getting the food prepared as the rest of the family enters the house.

"Gina!" Nic yells, running over to her mother,"Gina, we saw a miniature horse in someone's yard! It was so cute! Can we get one?"

After setting the last roll on the serving dish, Gina turns to her daughter.

"Where in the world would we keep a horse?"

"In my room!"

"What?" Gina says with a laugh,"Darlin', we haven't got any room for a horse. And it certainly wouldn't stay in the house."

"Told ya," Sophie hisses from where she's standing behind Nic.

"Oh shut the hell up, Sophie," Nic snaps.

Gina's expression goes dark,"Isabella Nicole, apologize."

From the look on Gina's face and the tone of her voice, Nic knows better than to disobey.


Sophie nods, trying to keep herself from smirking.

"Set the table," Gina orders, handing her daughter a stack of plates.

"Yes ma'am."

Sophie watches Nic set the table, a look of victory on her face. She checks to make sure no one is looking, before knocking a fork from the table and onto the floor.

"Whoops," she whispers, looking at Nic.

Nic clenches her fist and narrows her eyes at her cousin.

Sophie turns around and starts to walk away, as Gina and Saoirse leave the kitchen and walk towards the cafe.

Nic walks over to the fork that Sophie just knocked over. She picks it up and chucks it across the room. It hits the back of Sophie's head, stopping her dead in her tracks.

She whips around, her hand rubbing the back of her head. Her eyes are aflame with a burning rage.

"Whoops," Nic says, her mouth curving into a triumphant smirk.

Amusement flashes in Sophie's eyes before she screws her face up into a pout.

"Aunt G," she wails, holding the back of her head.

Gina and Saoirse both enter the kitchen at the same time, worried looks on their faces.

I leave for two seconds to show my sister the cafe's new display case and now someone's screaming my name? What did I do to deserve this?

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