• Kiss •

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Layla's POV

Sinn remained by my side the whole time. His presence was comforting and made my heart excited.

"You don't need to stay with me, I'll stay here for a while you can head back in," I told him but he ignored me. He's a weird man.

"What did Seth mean he didn't regret joining hands with your father and making you fall for him?" Sinn's words caught me by surprise.

He turned his head and looked at me, "You don't need to tell me if you're not comfortable. It's just been bugging me."

I've never told anyone about what actually happened with Seth but I think I can tell him. I can trust him.

"My father and I don't have a great relationship. You can say he hates me and the same goes with me, I hate him just as much."

I stared at the moon feeling calm as I picked up the courage and told him. "To sum it up, my father wanted to prove I'm a whore so he made Seth gain my trust and well, have sex to prove his theory."

"But you didn't." His voice was calm but laced with bitterness. I met his gaze which didn't stop looking at me. I thought I might find pity or maybe find him mocking me to be a fool but he was like he could go on a killing spree.

I cracked a smile, looking straight into his eyes, "You're the only one who knows that." It was the truth. Apart from me, he was the only person who knows I am a virgin. The rest assumes I am a walking whore.

His eyes widened a bit when he realized that. I turned my gaze again to the moon. "Well I got some serious trust issues from that and now my only goal in life is to get my mother out of his sight and prove him wrong that a woman can be strong."

"You are strong." His words made me feel something that I couldn't explain. I never thought I would hear it from someone whose known for his immense strength.

A warm feeling spread around my heart, his words comforted my soul which was aching for someone to acknowledge them without any ulterior motives. I could die to make my father hear them. But knowing him, he wouldn't care and say I seduced him to say that

"Are you gonna go back on avoiding me from tomorrow? Let me know so I'm prepared." I joked, trying to change the topic cause I was feeling overwhelmed by his words and his gaze which didn't stop looking at me the whole time.

"Weren't you the one who suggested we keep our boundaries?" He questioned and I was flustered by his directness. It was the first time any of us talked about this topic upfront.

"I mean yea I did but that doesn't mean you go on and avoid me completely?" I reasoned. Sinn turned his face and stared at the moon, "I wasn't avoiding you. I did as you asked."

I was confused by what he said so I turned to face him completely, "Why would I ask you to-" I paused and continued, "I only wanted us to have some boundaries. Didn't you say you were about to ask the same?"

I confronted him cause I remember it clear as day that he said that. Sinn looked at me. His face was stoic now. "I have my reasons." The only reason I think he has is that he regrets but I don't dare to say that out loud.

"That's some nice excuse you got but you don't need to hide that you were avoiding me. You didn't look at me once for 43 days." The last part came out on its own and I swallowed feeling his eyes on me.

He took small steps towards me and I could feel the warmth of his body radiating from how close he was.

"I didn't know you counted days. If you were that desperate for me to look at you, you should've asked and I'd stare at you all day." His words made my head fuzzy. I didn't know if I was imagining this or if he was actually saying this to me.

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