• Control •

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Sinn's POV

"The fuck are you on?" Leonardo's calm voice made its way into my ear and I looked at him blankly.

"I don't do drugs," I stated, and he leaned back on the chair. I was in my study when he decided to intrude.

"Then what's the reason for this irrational behavior of yours? Why the fuck are you avoiding Layla? He shot questions at me one after the other and I was getting pissed.

"It's the most rational behavior you could expect. Plus, it's none of your business." I deadpanned and he crossed his leg on his thigh. I wasn't in the mood for this conversation.

"I can't tolerate the tension between you two. It's clear as day that you fucking like her." He started his bullshit once again and I tuned out, reading the files.

I have a lot of work to do and listening to him is not one of them. I'm already on edge that she's out on this mission on her own. And to add to my stress an ex who's Charlie's brother.

From what I concluded after I heard from Mattheo why she broke up with him, he's a fucker.

And I'm on alert cause she might use the device I gave her and call for backup if she's in trouble. And she attracts trouble like it's her shadow.

"I don't like her," I told him and he scoffed at my response like I told him a joke. "You're doing this because of him aren't you?" Now he's saying what he's been wanting to ask.

I paused my reading and looked at him from my papers. He sighed finding the answer in my silence.

"That old fucker, did he warn you?" He asked and I remained silent.

He's right but he doesn't know that she was the one who made boundaries and wants to be professional because she regrets.

The thought that she regrets what happened still makes me upset but I'll respect her feelings and do as she wants. Keep my distance.

I might've been avoiding her this past month, but I couldn't come to face her and not think that she regrets it. It makes an unsettling feeling appear in my chest.

The last time I had an interaction with her was when she almost hit her face on the wall and I caught her by her hood. It was the closest and if I didn't grab it, she would've passed out.

"How the fuck did he even find out you're into her?" Yuri walked into the room and sat beside Leonardo. He was the only one left to get on my nerves.

"Papa Dino has his eyes on him, the guy took her under him to train, that geezer's suspicious," Leonardo said and Yuri laughed. "No shit man."

I tried to swallow my annoyance but they were already snapping my last nerve. I narrowed my eyes at them, "Get the fuck out." My voice was low but threatening.

Leonardo was right. The old man's suspicious I might get involved with her. So he doesn't do something like remove her from our division, I was about to draw some boundaries with her but she beat me to it.

And keeping in mind the little conversation he had with her, he doesn't like her cause he knows, she's a rebel and you can't control a rebel.

And the only thing Papa Dino loves the most in this world is control.

I could kill that old man in a blink of an eye but right now, most of the underworld is under his control so it'll take some time to have all of them under our supervision; The Three Devils.

Papa Dino nurtured the three of us who had no family and made us train and excel so now we're known as the Three Devils. We're a weapon for him to use and keep him in control.

But he doesn't know, we're far from under his control. I never was from the beginning.

Everyone thinks he'll choose me as his heir, well he doesn't need to cause I chose me, myself.

Yuri leaned towards the desk and stared at me, "You don't seem in the best mood Ni-san I wonder if you're jealous that she's spending time with her ex." I rolled my eyes at what he said and the word he called me in Japanese.

It's a waste of my time to be jealous of someone as pathetic as that guy. The only thing I am is concerned for her safety. It's all that matters.

"Also, nice idea on giving Layla the device, you sure are our wildcard," Leonardo commented.

She was going on a mission alone, anything could happen and I don't take chances. She wants me to be professional, well it doesn't go against that.

I was against the idea of letting her go on this mission alone when Leonardo came up with the idea to have her go after we found out Seth was Charlie's brother.

But Leonardo suggested the idea to her, and she accepted. He must've thought by doing that, I'll get jealous. Which I don't. I don't get jealous.

I know she's capable enough to defend herself now but I still had to make sure she had something with her to alert us if there was a problem.

And seeing the past month where none of us interacted cause she wants us to be professional, that doesn't mean I won't fucking protect her from harm.

"Don't make me repeat myself," I told both of them who had started to talk among themselves in my study. I still have a lot to do.

"Don't need to Senpai." Yuri chirped getting up and Leonardo followed his steps laughing.

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