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Layla's POV

My eyes jerked open as I heard faint whispers around me.

I tried shifting, turning on my sides when sleep no longer consumed me so I now sat up, frowning.

"Look who's finally up, Good Morning," someone said and I squinted my eyes to look at the person in front of me and saw Mattheo and Luca standing by what seemed like my bed. Mattheo had his arm crossed as Luca had his hands in his pockets.

"You gave us a scare there, we thought you passed out if it weren't for Sin who told us you just dozed off." Mattheo chuckled as he started and I just furrowed my brows cause I'm still very much confused about everything.

"What the hell are you talking about?" My voice came out husky from sleep but I still somehow managed to form a sentence.

"You don't remember what happened yesterday?" He asked me, this time slightly surprised and I thought about it. I remember till Sin shot those 5 men in the arm, after that it's a blur cause maybe I was just too exhausted after all that happened.

"Just remember till Sin shot those men. After that, it's a blur." I told him, scratching my head as a yawn escaped. Mattheo and Luca glanced at each other, passing looks when they both burst out laughing.

I stared at them cause I didn't get what funny ass joke I cracked. "What?" I asked, my voice coming out slightly annoyed cause I've just woken up and they're already messing with me.

"Oh Layla, you don't remember what you did?" Mattheo said in between laughter. I shook my head before Luca muttered, "You slept on Sin as soon as you saw him. Like he was your bed or something." Luca snorted.

"The best part is that he didn't even mind or push you away like what I would expect from him. I mean like he's The Lucifer of The Three Devils. We've heard quite a few things about him which aren't anything pleasant and yet he still carried you to your room and tucked you in bed." Mattheo finished, he looked stunned as he talked about it.

"What? The fuck?" I blurted out, my eyes widened in shock as even an inch of sleep that was in my eyes now completely flew away. "How? You're telling me, Sin Phoenix, the one they call The Lucifer himself, carried me here while I dozed off on him?" I blurted out, still taken aback by the fact that Sin would actually do something like that.

I remembered, quite well now he helped me up but then as soon as I contacted his firm chest which I, was about to fall but didn't cause of it.

But what shocks me is that Sin doesn't seem like the type who'd carry someone if they passed out in front of them. He seems like the type of person who won't give two fucks about other people or their business but then again, I've only heard about him, and they could be mere rumors couldn't they?

But most of those rumors that I've heard came true when I saw him shot those 5 men. He didn't kill them, but the look in his eyes was just so sinister, that even I was scared of him.

Now I get why they call him The Lucifer of The Three Devils. The look his face held was void of any emotions and he would've killed them but it seemed as if he had another motive to keep them alive.

Something much more agonizing than death itself.

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