• Clash •

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Layla's POV

We were all ready and down in the living room with our stuff packed as we were leaving for our old place back in the Three Devils' mansion.

After my little conversation with Sinn, I didn't get to interact with him as he wasn't anywhere to be found, probably busy with his work. I also didn't have time cause we had to be done with packing as soon as possible.

Now that everyone was here we started getting on our respective vans.

I was seated with Sinn, so I thought we might get to have our interrupted conversation. But that also got ruined when that same previous guy who works for him who sat with us while coming here and Francis made their appearance.

Giving up on the conversation altogether, I slumped in the car seat and made myself comfortable beside Francis as the guy from before sat beside Sinn and said something to him while he listened with a stoic look on his face.

While this whole thing happened, we just briefly met eyes and then he looked away.

The car engine came to life and we were on the road, the trees blurring in my vision. Francis had his eyes shut with headphones on.

The sun had already set, leaving darkness to linger by and my thoughts led me to one of the memories which I would like to forget.

Or more precisely, a person I want to vanish away from my memories. No, not my Father, I've long given up on forgetting him. All I want to do is prove him wrong and take away my mother from him.

The person I would like to forget about is my very own ex-boyfriend, Seth.

Cause unlike my father with which I never had a single pleasant memory, with Seth, I have a mixture of both.

A heavy sigh escaped from between my lips as I leaned my head on the cool surface of the window, staring out at it and wondering why was I stupid enough to give my whole trust to a man when I have experienced losing it with the one I share my blood with.

Wasn't it enough to tell me that I shouldn't trust or give my heart away to a man?

My gaze subconsciously fell on a muscular back belonging to my boss with whom I had developed this sexual tension. All these years depriving myself of it to prove a point must've led me to do one of the stupidest things in my life.

Is it just sexual tension though?

My mind questioned and I felt my heart stop for a brief second, my eyes still glued on Sinn's back.

That man is deadly gorgeous, who won't feel things around him? It was just my body reacting to him nothing related to my heart whatsoever.

Who said anything about your heart?

My eyebrows furrowed in response and I straightened my back. My mind has completely gone insane.

The car came to an abrupt stop making me go in front of me but the seat belt stopped it from happening halfway.

"What's this about?" Sinn's deep voice asked and what must be the person driving spoke looking from the rearview mirror.

"Looks like we have some troublesome company." Sinn's face formed a scowl and he had an extremely pissed-off face right now.

"Go find out." He told his man and he stood from his side and made his way out. Francis had also taken off his headphones and sat straight focusing on what was happening.

The man came by Sinn's window, his face urgent and breathing quickened, "They're trying to attack us." Sinn with the same expression he had before, making it even more dangerous, glared at him.

"And who might it be?" The man looked at him giving him a knowing look, "Charlie's gang." Sinn scoffed, "of course."

And before anything else could be said he turned sharply and looked at Francis. He seemed to understand just what that meant and jumped out of the van then Sinn's piercing eyes landed on me.

"I need you to stay here." His tone was softer than the one he used before with his man but still held urgency in it.

My eyes widened, "What no, I'm going out with them." I started making my way out when he grabbed my wrist, making me look at him.

"It's an order," his voice was now stern just like whenever he ordered people around.

I narrowed my gaze at his words. "Fuck your orders I'm not here to just sit and enjoy watching you all doing all the work. I'm going out."

Sinn stared in amusement at my choice of words and I stared back. He didn't let go of my wrist which made me sigh, "I have the gun on me, I'll be fine."

My voice had softened on its own even shocking me. That must've done it cause he slowly let go of my wrist and stepped out of the van.

I followed behind him and joined the chaos. Men were fighting with their weapons everywhere. And just as I stepped out a guy came with a knife at me. Before I even had time to take out my dagger he was down.

I looked at the person responsible for it and saw Sinn staring down at his lifeless body before continuing to send another to where that guy went.

I took out my dagger and injured two men who tried to come my way. "Thanks, but I would've defended myself," I told Sinn sarcastically.  He got rid of five guys at the same time and retorted, "I could clearly see that."

I gave him a look and he had his focus on the people he was slaughtering before he met my gaze for a moment making my heart skip a beat.

I looked away, swinging my dagger at whoever came near trying to dismiss whatever way my heart just felt when he looked at me.

It's just your body reacting to a hot man who's also getting rid of people with his sword. Nothing to do with your heart or feelings whatsoever.

I continued with my dagger, injuring them enough that they'll be unconscious but not die. I couldn't bring myself to break my Mom's promise of not killing people. But that doesn't mean I won't hurt someone if they try to hurt me or people I care for.

Sinn continued with his sword while staying in a close proximity to me. Our backs grazed each other and I felt something weird in my stomach which could almost be mistaken for butterflies.

I scanned the area and found Leo, Yuri  Mattheo, Luca, Francis, and some other guys working for the Three Devils fighting these guys off.

I ducked under when another one of the opposing guys came at me with his sharp weapon. I kicked his nuts making him groan in pain and fall.

Though, I felt a shadow lurking above me. Placing my hand where I hide the gun Sinn gave me I stood up, feeling that person pointing their weapon at me.

But before I could meet their gaze, I pointed my gun at them pulling the safety away.

And when I finally looked up, I was met with a person I never imagined encountering like this. My eyes widened, breathing already heavy because of my previous actions.

I noticed everyone around us stop fighting and looking our way. Their gazes mostly stared at me and the gun I held against this person in front of me.

This person's blue eyes widened in surprise finding my face and their eyebrows furrowed in confusion. But they still pointed their blade at me.

I continued staring at this person, my mind racing not capable of finding words nor thinking straight for that matter.

The anger I had been suppressing for this person resurfaced as their mouth tugged into a smirk and he finally opened his mouth.

"Lay," he used the same nickname he called me all those years ago and I gripped tighter on my gun.

Clenching my jaw, I uttered his name like it was the most disgusting thing ever;


An: thank you all for 40K! <3

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