chapter 59

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It had been a few hours since they arrived home, Emilia had a new cast on but she had gone straight to her room when she got home. Alesandro saw she needed space so after making sure she okay for like the 6th time he finally left her be.

Her brothers on the other hand weren't having this. Well Mason wasn't. Dante and Matteo didn't want to go near Emilia out of guilt. Matteos defense mechanism was to make jokes or be the comical one but there was nothing to joke about. This was a serious matter, if he hadn't have left she wouldn't have almost drowned.
Dante was furious still from the information he had found out yesterday, he was going to tell Damon but then he decided he would deal with it himself. He felt guilty, if he hadn't have left, if he had been more careful, maybe if he'd told their dad then none of it would have happened.

Mason forced Matteo to get snacks and he forced Dante to go get all the blankets and pillows he could.

Mason went and got Emilia.

He knocked on the door, hoping she was still awake.
"Come in"
He smiled and entered. "Hi Lia, how are you feeling"

"I'm okay" she said way to cheerily.

"You don't have to fake it with any of us, it's okay not to be okay" Mason said taking a seat on the end of her bed.
"This feels like pity, why are you being nice"
"I've never not been nice to you"
"Fine why are you talking to me, you're nice but you usually keep to yourself"
"That's true and maybe if I hadnt I would have known what was going on but remember what was said this morning, we agreed we would spend more time together, and that was before I knew.  And yes Ill admit I'm bothering you now because I don't want you alone" Mason explained.

"Okay fine "  Emilia couldn't be bothered argueing and she was aware they were starting to spend more time with each and agreed to before he found out.

"Great. Let's go" Mason said.
"Where " Emilia asked.

"Downstairs, I have Matteo getting snacks and Dante getting blankets, we are all going to watch a few films and have a little sleepover downstairs "

Emilia couldn't help but laugh slightly.

"What is it " Mason asked helping her out of bed.

"Dante having a sleepover " she whispered.

Mason laughed "you know I have these markers...."

"He wouldn't be happy " Emilia said.

"No he wouldn't but they aren't permenant so maybe when he falls asleep I could go get them"  Mason said.

"You're a bad influence " Emilia stated.

Mason laughed "I know"

They made it down to the living room, Matteo and Damon were sat flicking through different movies.

"We are here" Mason announced taking a seat.

Emilia didn't know where to sit so she just sat next to him.

Dante glanced at her but couldn't bring himself to say anything.

"It needs to be child friendly"  Mason said.

"You do know I'm not a little kid right" Emilia said.

"Oh you didn't just say that" Matteo said.

"Did I say something wrong" Emilia nervously asked.

"Not at all but you're the youngest so you automatically get treated like a child, I'm 17 and yet they still treat me like a kid, even when Dante is only 18. It's so unfair"
"Yes well until you turn 18 you are both children"

"See what I have to put up with" Matteo said with fake annoyance as he moved to sit next to Emilia.

They eventually chose a film and the conversation died down as they were all watching it.

No one noticed that Matteo would give all his snacks to Emilia. They thought he was eating some of them too.

They probably should have taken more notice.

It wasn't long before everyone drifted off to sleep, it had been a very long day for them all.

"Are you still awake Lia" Mason whispered.

Emilia nodded "can we do it now" she asked.

Mason nodded, he silently left and a few minutes later he returned with some markers.

"He's a light sleeper but I think we can pull it off, we just need to be careful" Mason explained.

"What should we draw" Emilia asked.

"How about some pink flowers and a smile"

Emilia nodded, it was hard not to laugh.

They successfully drew on his face, the result was several pink flowers on both his cheeks and a smaller version of a joker smile. They both laughed slightly when they had finished and saw the outcome.

"We better get some sleep now, it's been a long day for you" Mason finally stated.

Damon came back home around 4am carrying a sleeping Lexi. He couldn't leave her at his grandparents house and he couldn't lock her up. The cells were currently occupied with the worst of the worst and he wouldn't ever put her in front of them. He may not like Lexi but she didn't deserve that.

He looked deranged covered in blood, usually he was tidy but he had been so angry that after he had done with Lexi, he had blindfolded her and visited the cells to torture his prisoners for his actual rage, letting out most of the anger he had for Lexi on his prisoners. Even he wasn't that messed up to do what he wanted to, to Lexi.  It was his sister after all whether he liked it or not. That's not to say she got away with it, she really didn't. He made her suffer deeply but some things he physically couldn't do. Not because of her but because he knew it would kill his dad and Emilia if they found out. So he took all the left over anger out on the prisoners....and there was alot of anger.

His clothes stained with blood, his eyes were dark, they held no joy, only pychotic rage, he didn't even have a sinister grin, just a straight blank face. His hair was a mess, he didn't even bother to move it from his face, he just let it drop past his eyes in places.

He heard a little noise coming from the living room so he quietly went to check.

His siblings were all fast asleep, his blank expression turned into a slight glare when he saw Emilia cuddled up to mason. A look of disgust past his face but it was gone suddenly and his blank look returned.

He left the room, he walked upstairs to Lexi's room and carelessly dumped her body on the bed. He knew she wouldn't dare come out unless she was given permission too so he left her there and went to his room to sort his appearance out so he could then finally sleep.

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