57. Gummy bears

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"I wanna have some more!" I whine with a mouth full of gummy bears

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"I wanna have some more!" I whine with a mouth full of gummy bears. They were definitely the best thing in the world.

"The sex or the gummies?" Canzone spoke, a cocky smile enhancing his face as I smack him on his naked chest, blushing red.

I pout at him, giving the puppy eyes making sure to make them glisten. I had dressed myself in another one of Canzone's shirt, the black fabric felt like fur on my body. Canzone wore black sweatpants below, choosing not to wear anything above. I laid on top of canzone's body, sticking to him like glue as I fed myself on the gummy bears.

"I love gummy bears," I mumbled to myself, putting another orange colored bear into my mouth, letting the citrus tinge rest on my tongue for a little while.

"They call me a gummy bear," I widen my eyes at him, mouth left agape. Canzone winks at me, manually closing my open mouth shut.

After a few minutes of processing, I just shrug like he said nothing. Sleep hadn't really hit Canzone tonight, it was 3 in the morning but his pretty little eyes still shone like the brightest star in the night sky. I wanted to kiss him all over and hug him until someone had to actually tear us apart. I smile at this thought and absentmindedly dig my hand into the packet of gummy bears.

"Ugh!" Groaning, I clutch onto Canzone as he chuckles in his husky voice and picks me up. As a reflex, my legs go to wrap around his torso.

He walks to the washroom, I place my head on his shoulder, giving soothing scratches to his ear while I stared at the tattoo on his shoulder. Smirking, a devious idea pops in my mind.

My fingers change their rough scratches into subtle rubs, goosebumps rise on his skin. I bare my mouth open, digging my teeth slowly into shoulder until my lips wrap around the skin and I suck like a vampire. I was fast enough to suck a trail of hickies all around his shoulder and neck until I reached his ear, hearing him release a shaky breath as he walked.

Good to know I still have the command.

My teeth bite on his ear, just for a second and then I blow a feeble breath on his ear. I hear a low grunt leave his mouth, his grip on my ass transformed from gentle to painful. A tender feeling bursts in my stomach.

"I'm horny, Canzone," I breath against his ear, pure seduction dripping from my tongue.

I hear a sharp intake of breath, the desire audible in that one breath. He places me on the vanity, attacking my neck in no time. My nipples tighten into hard peaks while his hands hastily open my shirt's buttons as he relentlessly marks my body more than it has already been.

He plants a soft kiss under my chin, and then stops everything. His head rises as his face comes in front of me, the green eyes staring right into my soul. He licks his lips, and as if my body wants to repeat his every action, I do the same. He holds my chin and rises it so that I'm eye to eye with him.

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