8. Just the Beginning

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This fucking girl, sometimes scares the shit outta me

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This fucking girl, sometimes scares the shit outta me. Her mood changes like a fucking chameleon. Most of the time, she's all bitchy and bossy and sassy and sexy. Oops...not the last part! The remaining time, she's all emotions, neither more nor less, just emotional. Or maybe, I've seen her emotional because she was on her period. Yeah, that's right, she can't be so emotion filled, right?

When Athena pampered her on realising that Zemira got her periods, it confused me, aren't they supposed to come like every month, then why so much love? She might have noticed the confusion on my face when she was hugging Zemira, so, later when Zemira was making her special, Athena took me out in the garden to talk to me.

"I'm just guessing, Canzone, but I think that when mom first brought Zem, she had a lot of injuries in her vaginal area and I guess, all the forced and rough sex she had, had tampered with her vagina. I was only told that she has some vaginal problems which is why her periods are irregular but now that I know about what happened to her, all her period problems are related to her getting raped. By irregular, I don't mean, the normal irregularity females have. Zemira's periods are a higher level of irregular, sometimes her periods would come after 4 fucking months and sometimes they would just come after a day." She explained as we walked bare foot on the lawn. I nodded because I couldn't find words to say, I couldn't find words to express myself.

Me, Zemira and Kaa were in the car right now going to a very famous Underground fighting ring called 'Doom' and maybe ironically or consciously, whomsoever fights in the ring has only one rule, kill the other person. When Zemira dictated the words her mother once spoke to her, I realised the same thing I guess she did when she first heard it. She made me ready to declare to the world about who I am, starting with bits and pieces, like an underground fighting ring.

I was wearing a white wife-beater and cargo pants with white shoes. I looked at Zemira who was looking beautiful in a black blazer with what I assume is a black bralette highlighting her boobs. I wonder how she's going to fight in these without making the other drool.

After an hour or so, we reached the place and went inside

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After an hour or so, we reached the place and went inside. Before we could enter the room, the bodyguard stopped us.

"Identity, please?" The bodyguard asked with fear in his eyes as he saw Kaa. Fuckers feared a snake more than 2 of the best assassins in the world who have more potential to kill him. But again, they don't know who we are.

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