16. Ruination

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"Do not hurt the little girl and the mother

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"Do not hurt the little girl and the mother. Lock up the mother but not the girl, if I see a scratch on her body, y'all are so fucking dead." My people gulped as I finished the sentence. By what Akim had told me, Uncle dearest had a wife and a daughter who, thank God, was not thrown away like me. I had ordered a few people of mine, mostly woman, to take care of the mansion the ladies were staying in. We were currently in our car, a few yards away from the warehouse that fucker was staying in.

"Snipers?" I asked Akim who was sitting beside me with a laptop on his lap.


"Security systems?"

"Check" Let's have some fun, shall we?



"Sexliv" (Sex life) I asked in Swedish which was his mother tongue. He was still unknown of the fact that I knew every language in the world.

"kolla upp" (check) I laugheg whole heartedly at his response. His cheeks became red when he realised what I had asked him.

"Varför sa du inte att du kan svenska?" (Why the fuck didn't you tell me that you know Swedish?) He raised his eyebrows but I still kept laughing.

"Var är det roliga med det, syndare." (Where's the fun in that, sinner) I chuckled as a smile formed on Akim's lips.

"Åh min jävla gud... är den kallhjärtade lönnmördaren som ler?! Jag håller på att festa efter att ha förstört den här maffian." (Oh my fucking god...is the cold hearted Assassin smiling?! I'm so throwing a party after ruining this Mafia.) For the first in forever I'm seeing him smile. He misses Sweden very much but apparently he can't go over there due to some family issues which I have no interest in asking because I trust him. I have a guess that maybe his family disowned him for him being gay, they were a little orthodox but he'll always have my love, gay or not.

"Back to English. Can we go? I'm hungry." Akim looked at me like I was mad and opened his mouth to say something but closed it back at the speed of a bullet.

"Yes, koroleva." (Queen) That was the only thing I needed.

I got out of the car and so did the others once they saw me coming out of the car. I motioned them to attack, me being not very far behind them. I am going to fucking ruin this Mafia. I stealthily sprinted to the mansion with my dagger in my hand. I ain't gonna use a gun, yet. Reaching the warehouse, I could hear the melodies of guns and grunts of people fighting. Upon entering the warehouse, all I saw were bodies in a pool of blood, bodies of the Spanish Mafia. I carefully stepped between the spaces of limp bodies spread all across the room and reached for the basement door. I opened the door and found cells which had people in it, innocent girls. This fucker was human trafficking, he is so dead now. I called one of my women to bring a few women with her to help these little girls get free.

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