chapter 95

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The days past slowly, nothing seemed the same for the family.

Sebastian wasn't harsh to his family instead he was closed off, he spoke the bare minimum.
Noah was worried and fussed over Sebastian, he barely left him alone much to Sebastian's annoyance, in fact Noah wouldn't even let Sebastian cook because he deemed the knifes to sharp and he was afraid  he would cut himself.
Sebastian had simply rolled his eyes and told Noah he wouldn't but Noah was reluctant to believe him.

Lucas was a little more relaxed, he was worried for his brother but he knew Noah had in handled, Sebastian would never go to him for help so he was just greatful Noah was there.

Riley was giving Sebastian the cold shoulder, she barely spoke to him, and although Noah understood why, after all Sebastian had said some horrific things to her, he just wanted them to make up. He wouldn't force her to make up with him though, they would do it when they are ready. At least that's what he thought.

The worst part about Riley and Sebastians relationship was Sebastian had tried to apologize and Riley had shrugged him off, she wouldn't even let him explain. Sebastian knew he had been cruel and he didn't blame her, he hated himself for hot he acted. But it got worse, Sebastian no longer believed he deserved Riley's love, so he distanced himself massively from her.
She needed time and he understood that.

As for their father he was still locked up, Noah hadn't had time to visit him and Sebastian flat out refused.

It was Friday evening when Lucas and Riley walked in from school, Noah was making dinner like always and Sebastian was somewhere in the house.

"Hi kids how was school' Noah asked them as they came into the kitchen.

"Sooooo glad it's the weekend" Lucas anwsered first as he opened the cupboard to get a snack but Noah wasn't having him fill up on snacks before dinner so he swatted his hand away

"Riley how was yours" Noah asked not even acknowledging the over dramatic look Lucas was giving him.

"It was good" Riley replied.

"Well dinner is almost ready, Riley can you go get Sebastian, I think he's in his office" Noah said. He knew for a fact Sebastian was there, on the rare occasions Noah left Sebastian alone he made sure he knew where he was, he hadn't heard him leave his office so he had to be there still.

"Id rather not, can't he come down himself" Riley coldly said.

Noah understood where Riley was coming from, Sebastian had been a dick but enough was enough.

"Riley I told you to get Sebastian go do it please" he said firmer.

Riley reluctantly went to find him.

She knocked on his door, Sebastian had been doing work to keep his mind busy but when he heard the knock he couldn't help roll his eyes thinking it was Noah to check in on him.

"Come in"  he didn't expect to see Riley walk in. The last time they were alone together, without their brothers he wasn't exactly a nice person.

The words he had said made him sick.

"Riley what are you doing here, are you ok" he asked concerned about why she was here.

"I'm fine, Noah wanted me to come get you for dinner"

Sebastian knew then that Noah had sent her so they can work it out but he didn't deserve that.

"Okay" Sebastian replied and followed her out.

On the way down Sebastian decided to ask her about her day.
"How was school"

Riley stopped and turned to him "it was fine, I'd rather not talk to you though"

Sebastian frowned "I understand"

"What do you understand Sebastian" Riley asked coldly.

"I understand what I did was wrong. Hell it makes me sick. Please just let me explain though"

"No. I don't care why you did it, you still did"

"Please forgive me" Sebastian blinked away the tears.

"I'm glad you're ok Sebastian, but whatever we had is gone, I have two brothers and you aren't one of them"

Little did they both know Lucas and Noah had stepped out to see what was going on and Noah wasn't too happy about what he heard.

"Seriously Riley" he couldn't tell her off because she was hurting but it crossed a line.

"I'm not hungry" Sebastian muttered, he turned and walked away tears falling. He thought himself to be pathetic for crying, he should be strong but he wasn't and he hated it.

"Sebastian" Noah called running after him. He knew that could have triggered him.

"Why do you keep trying Noah, he's never going to change, he's a heartless monster"

Sebastian stopped in his tracks as he heard this and Noah did too. He was fuming. He knew he shouldn't tell her off but he couldn't let her say that.

"Because Riley he is my brother just like he is yours and that means he's family and family doesn't abandon each other when they go through a rough patch. He has said and done some terrible things but he's still family. Drop the attitude, I get you are angry at him but I don't want to hear another comment like that" Noah said in such a strict voice, his brothers and sister so the similarities between Noah and Sebastian.

"I'm not angry with him I just hate him" Riley muttered before storming off.

"I'll go check on her" Lucas offered.

"No give her time, go have your dinner" Noah said and walked off to find Sebastian.

"She's right, I am a heartless monster, why should I even try" Sebastian said through tears when noah entered his room.

"You're not heartless Sebastian and you're not a monster, maybe it would help if you told me why you treated us like you did" Noah told him.

"I suppose it doesn't matter now, in my drawer on the right" Sebastian had given up.

Noah made his way to the drawer Sebastian had pointed to .

He opened it and gasped.

So I was going to include what was found but I figured I'd leave a bit of a cliff hanger. What do you all think it is?
Riley's new attitude is just 💔

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