chapter 62

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Lucas and Riley went there seperate way once they had been dropped off at school.

It was still early so they had a bit of time before the bell so Riley met with Blake and Clara, their other friends were yet to arrive.

Means Lucas found his "friends". He had made an important decision, he wanted his family and to have that he needed to stop behavioing like a dick.

"Guys we need to talk" he announced to his group of friends. He had known them for years so he hoped they would support him.
"I'm stopping all the drugs and alcohol" he announced to his friends.
They all laughed but stopped when they saw he was serious.
"I was hoping for your support"
"Sure goood luck with it, I guess you won't be coming to the party on Saturday"
Saturday. He smiled at the thought of Saturday, he couldn't wait.
"Nope, I'm spending time with my family"
A few of his friends laughed "wait you're serious"  Tony asked and Lucas nodded "didn't you call her a brat a few weeks ago" Sydney asked. Lucas shuddered at the memory when he invited Sydney and Tony round when Riley had first come. Just that memory alone made him more sure that he wanted to be a better person, if not fir his brothers, for Riley.
"I mean who wouldn't want to spend time with her, she's hot" Tony said and everyone laughed. Lucas however did not find it amusing.
Don't fight
Don't hit him
Stay calm.
He decided if he wanted to stay he had to be calm so instead of beating the shit out of him "our friendship is over in fact I don't want anything to do with any of you" he then walked off. He didn't plan on letting Tony get away with his comment though but he was going to be smart about it and do something about it off school premises.

He walked away, he no longer had any of his friends. He didn't care though, he had family.


Riley laughed at one of Blake's terrible jokes, Clara had chosen to go get her books from a locker that wasn't as close, they had offered to come but Clara wasn't going to let that happen, she wanted them to bond on their own.
She watched them laughing from a distance and she felt pleased with herself, her smiled dropped when she saw Lucas glaring at them from across the hallway.
She gulped, she was probably about to do the most stupid thing she has ever done but she wanted Blake and Riley to continue bonding. So she approached Lucas.

Lucas looked down at the girl he knew as one of Riley's friends, he knew he had to be nice because he didn't want to upset Riley.
"What is it" he asked glancing back at his sister.
He wasnt happy about how close Ben was to Riley.
"I just wanted to ask you a few questions" Clara mentally face palmed herself.
Questions? What questions?
She felt stupid for asking him especially when he looked at her like she had gone insane.
"I'm doing research?"
Clara felt even more stupid now and Lucas couldn't help but smirk "ok ask away" Lucas was amused by this and he wanted to see what the girl in front of him came up with since she was so bad at coming up with reasons to keep him from going up to Riley and Ben, or was it

"I.." Clara had nothing.
"You" Lucas replied smirking.
"I was wondering how do you feel about the schools new policies"
"What's your name" Lucas asked in return. He couldn't keep calling her the girl.
"Are they just friends" Lucas then asked looking at his sister...who was now hugging Ben!? What the hell were they doing.
"Yeah we are all friends, the protective brother bit is sweet but why don't you let Riley make her own choices" Clara said not liking the glare he was giving Riley and Blake.

Lucas knew he should, Sebastian had told him, he even told Riley not to listen to him but he couldn't help it. Especially after the gym teacher.

"Fine whatever" he mumbled and walked off in the oppersite direction. He didn't want to upset his family.

Clara felt like she could finally breath again and put on a smile and went to Blake and Riley but as she walked over she spotted Liam so she waited for him and they walked over together.

A few hours of class passed and it was finally lunch time. Riley spotted Lucas's friends but she didn't see Lucas. She started to worry slightly, he was always there.  She looked around and spotted her in the corner, they made eye contact and Riley smiled but Lucas felt like a weirdo.
He had gotten lunch and was heading out but he wanted to make sure his friends didn't do anything so he had been watching like a creep from a corner.

Riley didn't bother cueing for lunch, she walked straight over to him. "Why are you stood over here"
"Just making sure you're ok" Lucas said.
"I'm fine, I promise Blake would never hurt me" she replied thinking it was about Lucas' hate for Blake.
"Why aren't you sat with your friends and all the cheerleaders" Riley continued.
"Because I want to be better and they couldn't accept it" Lucas said, it was the truth though after he left his so called friends had messaged him telling him when he failed at keeping clean he shouldn't come back and a few had spoke about how weak he was and how he could never stop.

"Oh. Then they were never your friends. Come on" Riley said and took his hand.
If anyone else had taken his hand he would have kicked off but this was Riley and he didn't say anything, instead he let her lead him to her table "Im sure you don't want your brother sitting with you" Lucas said when he realized. "Ok yeah I know you don't want to be sitting with a group of 15 and 16 year olds but if you're going to watch me you can do it from our table it's less creepier" she said and Lucas smiled "you're right I wouldn't want to sit with kids but I'll sit with you and if that means your friends then so be it"
"Where's your food" Lucas asked and Riley remembered she had yet to get some. "Ok I need to go get some" Riley said. Lucas gently took her hand from him "I'll go get you something" Riley tried to protest but Lucas left.

Riley went and sat down with her friends who all gave her questioning looks "I hope it's ok, I invited my brother to join us today"  she said and thankfully they all didn't have a problem with it.
Lucas came back with food and placed it in front of her, he sat in the spare seat next to Riley who smiled at him.
"Ok so these are my friends, Chris, Ryan, Anna, Liam Blake and Clara, guys this is Lucas my brother" Riley pointed to each of her friends.

Lucas silently didn't approve but decided to stay quiet and play nice but judge them.

So he sat and joined in when Riley included him, he stayed quiet mostly and analysed them.
He figured out a few things though
Chris and Ryan were twins.
Liam likes Clara which he didn't like, Liam seemed odd, he found himself hating Liam more than blake who clearly likes Riley.
Liam was suspicious but he decided to bring that up with Sebastian.
And Anna well she seemed to like Liam.

They were all 15/16 and as he sat watching his sister talk to them he started to realize how mature she was and how much he missed.

He was happy as long as she was and if Sebastian hadn't put a stop to it , it meant Ben had no dodgy past.

He figured he would accept her friend group, well accept for Liam. He seemed like he was hiding something.

So I decided it's been a while since we had a school chapter and I wanted to show Lucas'growth. He has now given up his friends to get better.

So is Liam actually dodgy or is just Lucas not liking him?

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