chapter 10

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It was Monday morning and everyone including me was rushing about. I was nervous, I wanted to make a good first impression. I had decided I wanted friends this time around so I couldn't look like I just got run over. Noah had told me breakfast would be ready in 10 minutes so I had to be quick at getting ready. I had already showered and so all that was left was to get dressed. In the end I chose something simple but still very pretty.

(The outfit but she's also wearing skin coloured tights because of the bruises)

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(The outfit but she's also wearing skin coloured tights because of the bruises)

After making sure I looked presentable I head out of my room. Only problem was that Lucas was too. He took one look at me and sneered "are you trying to be the school slut" at first I felt extremely self conscious but I brushed it off and acted like his words didn't hurt even though they did "me a slut" I put my hand on my chest acting offended "I wouldn't want to take the title of school slut from you" before he can say anything I quickly run downstairs as he stormed after me. I know it was harsh calling him that, I didn't like it when people slut shamed but he had pissed me off. I enter the kitchen where we often have breakfast on the kitchen island. Sebastian was drinking coffee, reading the newspaper and of course wearing a suit, Noah had just finished making breakfast.
"Morning Riley, first day are you excited" Noah said and put a plate in front of Sebastian and another in the place next to him. "yeah hopefully it goes ok" I reply and he smiles. "Get eating, Sebastian is taking you on his way to work. We figured you wouldn't want to go with Lucas" he replied and I smiled. Thank god. But as I sat in the seat next to Sebastian, Lucas came in looking furious "what pissed in your cornflakes" Noah asked and I tried to make myself smaller. I was definitely in trouble, I shouldn't have said that. God, I always screw up. Sebastian noticed my actions "what happened Lucas" I gulped as Lucas gave me a glare "I hate her, why the fuck is she here, she comes in and you two baby her, you can't see what a spoilt little brat she is. She fucking called me a slut, have you seen what she's wearing, she will have probably fucked half the teachers and students by the end of the day" he shouted and I felt tears run down my face. "Ok first of I have seen what she's wearing, I was the one who bought it. In fact Noah was the one who picked it from the shelves" Sebastian spoke calmly. He was interupted by Lucas before he could continue "are you trying to turn her into a slut. I guess next you will have her working in one of clubs" I froze hearing this. Sebastians face went from calm to a murderous glare. "Noah you will take Riley to school"  I looked at Noah for the first time since this started and he had a deadly look too. He nodded "of course Sebastian. Will I be telling the school Lucas will be absent or late" he asked and for the first time I felt concerned for Lucas. "Just late, he's not missing school" Sebastian said then turned to me "Riley don't listen to a word he says, you look very pretty. Before you go I would like to give you one or two rules if that's ok" he said, his tone was forced as he tried to mask his anger, I just nodded, not trusting my voice. "Rule 1, if you are having any problems, you tell me. Rule 2, if you need anything we haven't got you, please tell us. Rule 3, try your best, it's ok if you don't get straight As and finally Riley this isn't a rule but I really do hope you enjoy your day. I'll come pick you up at 3" I breathed a sigh of relief, I was expecting the rules to be similar to Kevin's.

"don't talk to anyone, only speak when spoken to, don't tell anyone what happens here, straight As and of course if you are going to sleep around, you charge people"

Of course I never did sleep around as he so nicely put it. "Is that it" I ask, there must be more. "Yeah of course these are on top of the ones I've already given you. Your gonna be fine though" I smile a little at his reassurance "thanks Sebastian"

How dare he. How dare that little shit. Breakfast was filled with tension but when Noah and Riley left that's when the tension disappeared, I was nothing but angry
"How fucking dare you speak to your sister like that, how dare you call her a slut, how dare you make her feel insecure about her clothing and how dare you suggest I would have her working in one of my clubs" I couldn't help but shout.
"Why not she already looks the part" he snickered.
If only he wasn't my brother, I would have given him so many broken bones.
"She would probably enjoy working there, all the guys" he continued. No. That was it. Brother or no brother. He had crossed a line. I didn't think to much about it, I just flung my fist at him, not caring if he got hurt. I was a monster, I already knew that. The side that father created was out and when it's out, there is no going back.

Did Lucas not care at all for Riley? Obviously not if he suggested I have her work at one of the clubs.  As a front I have a few legal businesses, one would be the club. It's where most business deals happen between criminals. There is a range of male and female employees but one day Noah caught a few of the female employees with some of the guests, at first we banned it but we decided to lift the ban as long as both parties consented. After all it was up to them what they do. So for Lucas to suggest Riley work in a place surrounded by criminals and  sexual acts angered me.
I already knew what I wanted from Riley,
I wanted her to grow up and become anything but a criminal. I wanted to sheild her from the harsh world, something I obviously failed to do.

"Fuck you" Lucas spat and threw a punch at me, only I quickly dodged.

"Know your place. I am in charge. You will do as I fucking say or face the consequences"

God, I was turning into dad.
That thought scared me,I couldn't be like him, I wouldn't.

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