chapter 85

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"I'm calling Sebastian" Noah said in panic.
"No don't. There is nothing you both can do from over there and he will just get angry with her" Lucas quickly said.

"I don't care, this is not about him getting angry. Our sister is missing. Go search the grounds, in the meantime I'm calling our pilot, our plane has been on standby for the past few days. If you find her we won't come back if not we are coming"

"Ok" Lucas said and rushed off to try find her, he was 10 minutes into looking when he realized this was wasting time, Sebastian had CCTV on the main entrance gates at the bottom of the drive.

He quickly accessed it and  he gulped, she had left, the only good thing, she hadn't been taken. He then quickly had a look on the streets but no sign

He went back to the computer, Noah was sat on the phone to the pilot. "Well" he asked.
"She left, I checked the CCTV,  I checked the nearby streets she's not there"

"Okay, I spoke to the pilot, we will be there soon. I'm calling Sebastian"

"Sebastian won't be happy though"

"I don't care, she's gone and we need to find her"

Noah tried to call Sebastian but he wasn't picking up. He raced around packing there stuff as he kept calling.

Finally after the 6th call, Sebastian picked up.

"What the fuck do you want" Sebastian was seething.

"Riley" Noah started.

"I don't care, I'm busy" Sebastian was about to hang up but Noah wasn't having it

"I'm being patient with you Sebastian but right now, you can put your bullshit asside, whatever your doing can wait. We are going home, right now"

"We haven't finished, I'm not going back because Riley tripped or some stupid shit like that"

"Shut the fuck up Sebastian. Get to the airport or don't, I really don't care but Riley is missing so I'm going back" Noah was done being patient.

There was silence on the end, something dropped, there was a loud bang as something hit the floor.

"Sebastian" Noah said.

"What do you mean missing" Sebastian said picking up the phone he had just dropped.
"Lucas checked CCTV, she left"
"I thought you were all having a video call" Sebastian said as he made his way to the car.

"Yeah but she said she was tired so we let her go to her room, she obviously didn't"

"She definitely left on her own" Sebastian asked

"Yes. I've called the pilot. If we go now we will be back in about 3 hours"

"Damn it. How stupid can she be" Sebastian muttered.

"Now is not the time to be like this. She's probably gone off to a friend's or something, we just need to get back to make sure" Noah said.

Sebastian sighed "Noah, we need to find her"

Something about his tone concerned Noah. His current anger had faded and he almost sounded broken.

"We will, Lucas is out right now looking"

On the journey home, Sebastian and Noah felt helpless, they were stuck in the air and could do nothing.

"She's fine, she's probably just snuck out again" Noah said.

"In that case my warning did not get throught to her and there will be consequences" Sebastian said darkly.

"Yeah we are panicking over nothing, probably, but what if it's not nothing. She hasn't exactly been herself" Noah was trying to calm himself but it wasn't working.

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