chapter 72

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Noah and Sebastian were still up trying to figure out how they would make their day just as good as today. It was quite late so Lucas and Riley had gone to bed, unlike Lucas who was fast asleep, Riley was wide awake.

She hated sleeping because that was when her memories felt like reality. Somehow Sebastian made them go away but she didn't know if she should go see him. She knew Sebastian and Noah called her and Lucas children to wind Lucas up however she also didn't want to be seen as a child. She could take care of herself, she had been doing for so long now, she shouldn't have to rely on her brothers. She didn't want to be seen as weak and always going to Sebastian for something that they probably thought was nothing. She didn't want to be a burden or problem.

She decided to just try sleep, at least then she wouldn't be bothering Sebastian.

A 10 year old girl struggled to breath, her head was being held up under water, only when she was about to pass out was she allowed up to breath. She struggled against his hold.
"Look at how weak you are, those ugly scars show how weak you truly are" his voice echoed through the room.
She wanted to fight but she couldn't.
The man pulled her out of the water and threw her on the floor.
She tried to get away but she couldn't. 
The man knelt down and she saw Kevin looking at her wickedly but then she blinked and Kevin wasn't there, instead it was Sebastian.
"You deserved that, so so weak, you're just the mistake that cost us our mother"

Riley sat up breathing heavily at what just happened. Tears fell down her face as she remembered everything.
It wasn't made up and that's what scared her, up until Kevin's face turned into Sebastian, everything was real, it had happened before.

Sebastian wouldn't do that. Sebastian wasn't Kevin. He wouldnt.

Why wouldn't he? If you hadn't have been born he would still have a mother, he wouldn't have been hurt by your father.

"No" Riley whispered, she refused to believe it.

She knew Sebastian had told her to come to him anytime but she didn't want to burden him.

She closed her eyes again and saw Kevin. She couldn't go back there.

She didn't want to trouble Sebastian but she didn't want the nightmares more, so she got up and went to him.

Sebastian was half asleep when he heard a knock.  He wanted to curse out and have the person killed for disturbing him but then logic hit that he was home and he realized it was  most likely Riley. His brothers were asleep now so it couldn't be them.

"Come in" he said, he didn't feel like getting up so he just laid there.
Riley walked in and he watched her, the only problem was she looked terrified and Sebastian sat up straight away after noticing this, he was now fully awake.
"What happened" he asked.

Riley said nothing but she did get into bed besides him. She laid down and it looked like she was trying to go back to sleep. But the fearful look was still there. Sebastian wasn't going to let her sleep when she was scared that's when the nightmares are more frequent.

"Riley did you have a nightmare" he asked.
She nodded and turned to look at him with tears in her eyes.
"Kevin drowned me" she whispered.
Sebastian wanted to kill Kevin and maybe he would at the end of the week. But right now he had to put his murderous thoughts behind. "He's gone now, he won't hurt you" Sebastian said and started to play with her hair, he had found that it comforted her. "I'm sorry I'm such a problem, I shouldn't have come here, I should have let you sleep" Riley said after a moment, she tried to get up but Sebastian held her hand. "Riley you may leave but I just want you to know you are not a problem, not even in the slightest, you can come to me whenever you want I've already told you that you can and Riley I wasn't asleep before you came in and I still do intend to sleep with or without you in my room" Sebastian reassured her.
"I'm a burden though" she whispered.
Sebastian didn't like her thoughts, he knew he said he would let her go but he couldn't when she was thinking like this. He pulled her into a hug instead "I want you to listen to me closely" he said in a serious tone, Riley nodded. "You will never ever be a burden to me or even Lucas and Noah. You are family and family is never a burden" he told her in such a serious tone, Riley didn't want to question him.

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