chapter 13

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After my little breakdown, Sebastian was reluctant to send me to school but I convinced him and so that led me to my current position.
Stood in the girls locker room, staring at the shorts that were too short. Like seriously if Lucas was here, he would have thrown a fit, compared to the skirt I was wearing the other day and how he reacted. It would be 10x worse. I had already decided I wasn't going to wear them because of the bruises, I wasn't ready to have them on display just yet.
"I should have brought my spare gym clothes" Clara said, seeing how uncomfortable I was at the gym clothes provided for me.
"I'm going to go speak to the gym teacher" I say trying to hide the fact that I was beyond nervous, I was scared but at the same time if I talk to him in public he won't hurt me.

With that in mind I left the gym and walked into the sports hall.
"Why aren't you changed" he asked as he looked up from his clipboard.
"I'm not wearing those shorts" I say but as soon as it came out, all the confidence I had vanished and I gulped.
"Well if you don't have your gym clothes, then you will be wearing those" he replied.
"No" I was not going to wear them
"Riley you are wasting my time now go get changed or I will have you in detention for the next few months"
Sebastian wouldn't be happy if I got that many detentions.
"I'll just sit out of today's class" I say knowing I was probably already in so much trouble.
"You will do no such thing"
As he practically shouted, the sports hall doors opened and to my suprise Lucas walked in, his head was down looking at his phone. "Sir, I just wanted to ask how many we have trying out for the football team tonight" he asked. "20" the teacher replied.  Lucas looked up and a unfamiliar expression made its way onto his face when he saw me. "What's going on here" he asked. "Just giving one of my students detention for refusing to take part in the lesson" Lucas's expression changed back to his usual resting bitch face "Sebastian and Noah are going to realize you are a spoilt brat" he laughed and walked out.

In the end I refused to take part and got several detentions. Mr sparks had also given me and official detention slip which I had to have signed by a parent or guardian. I was dreading giving it to Sebastian.

After sports class my day did get better, all the classes were great and at lunch time I joined the decathlon, I found the questions asked to me extremely easy and suprisingly the team was eager to welcome me. Then at the end of the day I tried out for netball, I didn't get in which I wasn't bothered about as I was already in the decathlon.

Sebastian was waiting in the car when I got to the car park, I reluctantly got in the back seat as Lucas was already in the front.
"I had a phone call today " Sebastian spoke and I gulped. Just great, he knew. "Detention on your second day" he stated but instead of a lecture he just shook his head. "We will talk at home"

He was even more pissed when we got home. Noah had also just arrived back and Sebastian whispered something to him and Noah nodded. "Riley go to your room" Sebastian said, his tone wasn't as harsh as I thought it would be. "Sebastian and I will discuss your punishment which will be given to you after dinner" Noah's voice was surprisingly harsher.
"I'm sorry" I say blinking away the tears that threatened to fall.
"Sorry doesn't cut it" Noah continued.
"Ok" I mumble, knowing I dissapointed them was worse than the pending punishment.

I went to my room and got started in my homework. I didn't deserve to sit on a chair so I sat on the floor, I had to keep reminding myself that Sebastian wasn't Kevin but what if he was worse.

Dinner came quicker than I expected but as I looked at my plate I started to feel sick. "Stop messing with your food and eat it" Noah said. I tried to eat it, I didn't want to get in any more trouble, I should be greatful they are even feeding me. Tears started to fall. I screwed up so bad, this was my fault, I deserved this.
"Don't force yourself to eat Riley" Sebastian said, and I looked at him to see he was watching me with a concerned expression. "I'm sorry" I say and he nods "Riley we arent going to hurt you, you are grounded though and will do extra chores" Sebastian said in a caring tone. "Really, that's all" I ask, why was I getting off so easily? "See even she thinks she should be punished further" Noah spoke up. "Well I don't as I'm her guardian, I have the final say. It's just a detention, its not like she's doing anything illegal"  Sebastian spoke to Noah in a less caring tone. I was greatful to have him on my side but I knew Noah was right. "Noah is right Sebastian, I deserve it" Sebastian turned to me and he looked horrified "Riley you deserve nothing more than to be loved. Do not listen to Noah. This won't be your last detention however please don't make it a habit. The only reason you are being grounded and given extra chores is because there must be consequences for your actions. I do however want you to do one more thing, I want you to write a letter apologizing to your teacher"  he said and for a second I thought about telling him about the shorts but I decided against it because I just wanted this to be over as quick as possible so I nodded "I will write one. Thank you Sebastian" I say acknowledging his words. "It's ok, now on to more important matters. Did you both have a good day at school" he asked directing his question at Lucas and I. "It was alright, I had 20 students try out for the team. None of them showed potential but sadly I had to pick some" Lucas spoke first, Noah laughed "I guess you will just have to whip 'em into shape"
"Yes that is unfortunate but you're a great player, I'm sure they will learn from you" Sebastian spoke. 


"It's just a metaphor" Sebastian told me and I nodded "ok" I knew I couldn't have another flash back. I didn't like it when I showed them how weak I was.
"I...joined the decathlon" I say trying to get my mind of that.
"That's great Riley, I knew you were smart" Sebastian said enthusiastically.
"I suppose that means the spoilt brat is a nerd" Lucas mumbled but we all heard.
"That's another week of no car" Sebastian said refering to his need to call me a spoilt brat. "She's starting to become one though" Noah replied and I gulped, Sebastian will probably take their side if they both agree. "I suggest you both shut up, if anyone is a spoilt brat, it's you two. You have no idea how lucky you had it. Sure dad bullied you both but he gave you everything you could ask for. You have no idea what it's like. You both will stay away from Riley if you are going to continue to insult her" Sebastian shouted and both boys nodded.

I got the feeling, Sebastian had it worse than Noah and Lucas. I gathered they didn't have a great childhood but the little things Sebastian said, did and how he would react to something's, he was obviously hurting inside.

I slowly got up and hugged him, I wasn't entirely sure he would be ok with it, thankfully he was and his arms wrapped around mine quite quickly. His hold tightened "don't listen to them" he mumbled. "Sebastian we are sorry" Noah said but Sebastian didn't reply or even acknowledge them. I felt my shoulder dampen, his head was wresting on my shoulder...he was crying. This was definitely wrong, Sebastian never cries. "Guys I think it might be best if you leave for a bit" I say hoping they will listen. I gathered Sebastian would hate for them to see him like this. They didn't say anything but they got up and left.
Sebastian pulled away shortly after, thankfully it was just a single tear that fell. "Thank you Riley. I apologize for my behaviour just now it was innapropraite" he spoke in a more business like tone.
"If you ever need to talk, I'm here for you" I tell him.
He sighed "I know Riley, I know"

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