chapter 71

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The beach was quiet which suprised Riley however Sebastian had told her it was more of a secluded area, which she had been pleased about.

Both Noah and Lucas had noticed the scars on her legs but they both knew Sebastian had it covered and they didn't want to cause her anymore pain.
They both silently vowed to have a word with the person who caused her this pain.

Walking onto the beach, Riley reached out and held Sebastian's hand. "You okay" he asked and she nodded, she had held his hand because she noticed how quiet he was and after this morning she realised he probably needed a bit of comfort. She also knew Sebastian would never ask so she didn't bother asking.

Noah and Lucas went on ahead. Apparently they liked to surf which suprised Riley because she didn't ever see them go surfing.

"Since when did they surf" she asked Sebastian.
"Well Lucas plays so many sports it's hard to keep up, Noah would supervise since I was too busy to do that so I guess he learnt to surf so Lucas wouldn't be out there on his own" Sebastian explained.

Their father had Lucas get into as many sports as possible, per Sebastian's request. It was either sports or the training he was made to go through and he had managed to convince his father that sports would help Lucas and he could train Sebastian harder instead.

"So you don't know how" Riley asked as she watched her brothers set their stuff down.
"No but i could pick it up if I wanted" Sebastian said, and it was true, he wasn't allowed not to be good at anything, he had to be perfect or face the consequences, so he learnt stuff at an exceptional rate.

The 4 siblings finally placed their stuff down, Riley didn't want to go in the water at least not yet so she laid on the beach, Noah and Lucas were in the water whilst Sebastian stayed back with Riley.

"You know you can go be with them" Riley said, not wanting Sebastian to kiss out.
"But I want to be here, you know when we were kids, mother took us to the beach and being the oldest I took it on myself to help supervise, she was pregnant with you at the time and so I helped with Lucas and I can remember telling her that once you were born I would bring you here" 

Sebastian smiled at the memory, Lucas wouldn't sit still when he tried to bury him so he had gotten frustrated and ended up having Noah hold him whilst he buried Lucas in the sand. Their mum had come rushing over when she saw what her two eldest were doing to their brother.

Sebastian had simply turned to his mum and grinned saying "don't worry mum, he can still breath" this made their mum instantly panic and Noah who looked up to Sebastian and followed him around smiled brightly "we will give him a straw to breath from mummy"

Although their mum wasn't happy with them she did find it adorable how they worked together, how they played together, she had hope for her family still. Later on that day, Sebastian had come and sat next to his mum "I can't wait for the baby to be born, it better be a girl this time, I want a sister and I want to bring her to our beach"

That was all just a memory though, one that barely existed now, but Sebastian smiled, what he said had come true.

Sebastian ignored his memories and focused on Riley, he noticed how off she looked and got concerned.
"Hey what's wrong" he asked, he didn't want to jump to conclusions however it was hard not too.
"There is people" Riley muttered feeling silly.
"Yes it is a public beach, a little more secluded than most" Sebastian said.
"Sorry it's just my scars are on show and I know ow it's stupid" Riley whispered.
Sebastian hated knowing his sister was uncomfortable and wanted to call the trip off straight away but he also knew she wouldn't let him and that she needed this.
He knew she needed it but that didn't mean he couldn't make it easier for her.
He took of his shirt and handed it to her. "At least your arms will be covered for now" he mumbled.
"But what about you, don't you need it" she asked feeling guilty.
"No I'm fine" Sebastian told her.
She didn't argue after that, instead she slipped the shirt over.

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