chapter 60

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A while later and they all sat down to a meal prepared by Sebastian, spaghetti for Noah and Sebastian and the child equivalent for Riley and Lucas.

Riley didn't mind eating the spaghetti and nuggets because of how little she ate with Kevin, she would always be thankful for whatever food her brothers gave her.

She started to feel bad because she was full, it may have been over a month since she had been here but her stomach was still small and Sebastian had given her a bit too much, she knew they increased her portion sizes weekly but this was one of the biggest she had before and it hurt. She felt bad leaving it because Sebastian had gone out of his way to get the food for them but she was struggling.

"Leave it if you're not hungry" Lucas said as he saw Riley struggle.
This caught Noah and Sebastians attention.
"Riley if you are full you don't need to eat it" Noah said concerned.
"Yeah I gave you a little more today, it seems you're not ready for bigger portions but that's okay, we can try more next week. You can leave it" Sebastian reassured her.
"But you went out of your way to make it" Riley said.
"Doesn't matter, you're not hungry leave it if you don't want it"
Riley hesitantly left it although feeling guilty she couldn't eat anymore.

It was already quite late after today's events everyone was tired. After school they had gone back out and then they had come home and gamed for a few hours so no one wanted to stay up much longer.
After everyone ate, Lucas and Riley washed and dried up as part of their chores.

After they finished Sebastian came in the kitchen. "I just want a word with Riley" he said, Lucas nodded and left.
He did feel a little left out but he knew Riley needed his attention more.

" I'm sorry I didn't eat it all" Riley quickly said thinking it was about her food.
"It's okay Riley. I just wanted to say I'm proud of you, I know you have not been allowed to eat in the past but asking for a different meal shows how far you have come and I'm glad you trust me enough to ask that but Riley please never force yourself to eat, if you are not hungry it's ok to leave it. I don't care as long as you're not hungry then it's okay"
Sebastian explained. Riley didn't say anything instead she hugged him. "Thank you Sebastian"

A little while after his talk he went to find Lucas. He found him in his room.
"Can we talk" Sebastian asked after bring invited in
"Sure what's up" Lucas asked, he had been sitting on his phone when Sebastian had knocked.
"Well I've come to realise opening up might not be the worst thing and I would like to tell you I'm proud of you" Sebastian started. Lucas was confused "proud of me for what? I've not exactly been a decent brother" Lucas said, he knew he had been a terrible brother, alcohol and drugs most nights, argueing and saying stuff he now knew weren't true.
"Oh you definitely were a shit brother, I won't deny it and pretend everything you did is forgiven because it isn't. However you are trying to change and giving up drugs and alcohol is going to be hard for you and I'm proud that you have reconginised your mistakes and want to fix them" Sebastian explained. 

Noah had made him realize that it was okay to let his guard down and he wanted to continue to do so. He didn't want a strained relationship with thrm anymore.

Lucas was shocked, he really did appreciate what had been said,he knew it was probably difficult for Sebastian.
"Thank you Sebastian, I know I treated you like crap and sure we fought and I deserved all the shit you gave me but at the end of the day Sebastian you forgave me each time I fucked up and for that I am grateful"

Sebastian smiled "I'm glad you accept your behaviour was wrong"

Sebastian was about to leave when Lucas spoke stopping him "Sebastian what you said at school"
Sebastian smirked, he had alot of fun with that. Maybe he could make it a regular thing but do it unexpected so Lucas wouldn't know and make sure not to be in sight.
"Oh yeah, I'm really sorry about that" he apologized wanting Lucas to think he was bring sincere so he wouldn't figure out that Sebastian planned to do it again.
"I know you followed through with the spaghetti but was anything else true" Lucas asked feeling nervous.
"I don't think so lukie" Sebastian said with a smirk, using the same name he had called him in the hallways
Lucas playfully glared but then a look of dissapointment crossed his face.
Sebastian picked up on this and continued"I mean we were only messing about, there was no dance lessons or inspirational talk and I bet you didn't apologize"
Lucas nodded feeling stupid for even bringing this is up, he should have known it was just a bit of fun.
A part of him hoped it wasn't.
"Why do you ask" Sebastian asked.
"It doesn't matter, it's fine, I'm probably going to get some homework done and sleep so you can leave now" Lucas said.
Sebastian didn't move though, he heard the dissapointment. "Lucas surely you knew that I was only messing" Sebastian said and Lucas couldn't help a tear roll down his cheek. "I...I just wanted it to be true" Lucas whispered.
This emotion from Lucas concerned him, Lucas never broke down like this and he knew that growing up Lucas always tried to prove he was just as good as Sebastian and Lucas so this was worrying.

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