chapter 2

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Noah pov

Sebastian called me and Lucas into his office in the early hours of the morning. It was a rare time we all were in. Usually Sebastian and I were at work and Lucas was out at a party doing god knows what.
"Why am I awake, this better be important Sebastian" Lucas spoke with a hint of annoyance, but he didn't dare speak with anger neither did I. Sebastian had a temper and no one likes to be on the end of it. "I'm surprised your not used to it now with all them parties"  Sebastian mocked and I smirked. It was weird though, I think Lucas also noticed how Sebastian was acting too. He wasn't being a prick for a change. "So our little sister is coming to live with us, Noah you will pick her up because I have a business meeting and quite frankly you're the least scariest. Lucas make sure  the guns are locked away before you go to school. I don't need her being introduced to this life"
Riley was coming home. Finally.
I was actually happy for the first time in quite a while. I could see Sebastian was too. He was never this calm and I swear I saw a small smile on his face when he said she was coming.
Of course we knew partly why she no longer lived with us, we didn't blame mum for taking her away. She was innocent and she didn't deserve that to be destroyed. Mum took her away to protect her and we knew that. I had been annoyed as a kid, I didn't understand why we couldn't come too but I forgave her. We were all already corrupt, even Lucas who was only 3 at the time.
"Ugh why should I put the guns away, she's old enough to know how to use them. Why does she even have to stay with us, I bet she's such a spoilt brat" Lucas complained. I didn't blame him for his words, his sister was taken away from our father unlike him, unlike all of us. "Do not question me, she may be old enough but I am certainly not going to let  her turn into us" Sebastian said with a dark look.
Sebastian won't ever admit it but it was obvious to me and probably Lucas that family was important. Even growing up he would protect us from our fathers anger. He would always grab Lucas and hand him to me and lock us in a guest bedroom. I would be the one to calm Lucas as the shouting continued downstairs. Sebastian never spoke about what happened but as we grew up I started to realise what happened, I never mentioned it because I knew Sebastian was trying to shield us from the reality. Luckily Sebastian was always there to protect us, even if both me and Lucas protested.  And for that I was greatful and being his second in command meant I could repay him and protect him from enemy threats.

"Fine whatever"  Lucas stormed out leaving me and Sebastian alone. I looked at him and this time I saw how tired he really looked. He barely slept, he definitely worked to much. "Is this a bad idea" he asked and it took everything in me not to shout at him. "of course not she's our sister, she's safer with us then in the foster system. Can I ask why mother isn't looking after her" I reply and he nods "her step father was arrested and apparently our mum can no longer look after her" I scrunched up my nose, why was he arrested? What kind of man was he? "She better not be spoilt like Lucas suggested" he continued and I rolled my eyes "we will just have to fix it if she is" I shrug knowing that non of us would be able to deal with a spoilt stuck up teenager. "Obviously,  now you best get going she lives in Florida" he states. Nice place. He gave me the official address and told me that our pilot was waiting at the bunker with the plane ready to go.
"Try get some sleep" I said before leaving.

(Time skip)

Now I was sat on the plane heading  back with my sister. She definitely wasn't what I expected. She had a single backpack which looked like it was about to drop to pieces any second, I figured it was probably sentimental to her and the police hadn't given her time to get all her stuff. It didn't matter though because we could buy her a new wardrobe, no problem. She was nervous too and I spotted the fear quite easily, it did concern me but I put it to the back of my mind. She was after all meeting me for what she probably saw as the first time,  even though I was almost 7 when she left. I was also aware how scary I looked to people but it was mostly our reputation that scared people. God she's gonna probably have a panic attack when she meets Sebastian.
I decided to try and talk to her, maybe if I befriend her she won't be as scared.
"So Riley what do you like to do" I ask, I expected her to start talking about what she liked to do, maybe she was into makeup. But she looked at me with confusion "read?" She finally said but it came out more like a question. "Any favourite books" I ask hoping this will get her talking. "No sir"  she whispers. What the fuck did she just call me. Ok Noah calm down. Don't show her you're angry. Just dismiss it for now. "I usually just read whatever is in the library at school. I like learning sir" there it was again. God I had to put an end to this. "well that's great,  Sebastian is big on learning, always made sure Lucas and I did our homework on time. We also have a library that you can go to any time you like" I tell her and I see a small smile on her face. Progress. "Thank you sir". Fuck.
"Riley it's Noah" I say in the softest tone I could gather to mask how annoyed I was.
"You look tired, why don't you sleep" I suggest and she looks at me like I've gone crazy but at the same time suspious. "I'll wake you up when we land" I say and she nods.

I glance over every now and again and see she's trying her best not to fall asleep but she eventually looses and falls asleep.

She was definitely way to innocent for this world.
In that moment as I looked over at her I was thankful mum took her away.

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