chapter 38

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"you know he's a killer right"

Lucas said it like it was no big deal as he walked past Sebastian.

Noah looked furious and Sebastian, well i could see his anger, it was terrifying however it vanished quickly and all I saw was worry and sadness as he looked at me.
I knew then it was true.

I thought back to our conversation this morning.

Did our father make him kill?

"It's not Sebastian's fault" Noah tried but I was still in shock.

My brother was a killer.

"Are you all..." I trail off.

Noah and Sebastian don't say anything but Lucas nods "obviously we are, congrats you have pyschos as brothers"


He was a pycho.

"Shut up Lucas" Noah warned.

"I'm good, she deserves to know the truth, she's old enough"

"No she isn't, shut the fuck up" Sebastian finally spoke, his voice filled with anger.

"Oh and we especially enjoy torturing people"


"You think I would ever stop, nope I love torturing you way to much"

I shuddered at the memory, tears fell down my eyes.
"Riley" Noah started as he tried to approach me but I couldn't help but back away.

"Now look what you have fucking done" Noah turned and said to Lucas who shrugged and tried to walk out but Noah pulled him back.

I ignored Noah and Lucas and focused my attention on Sebastian, I saw a tear fall from his eye and then another.
Sebastian was a killer
But he was my brother.
He was turned into a killer, he had no choice.
He had a choice about how he treated me .

"Sebastian" I say
"Riley" his voice broke as he said my name.
I give him a small smile and walk over and wrap my arms around him
"You're still my favourite brother, actually You're my favourite person" I mumble against his chest.
I notice how he relaxed against me as I said those things.
"So you accept me"
I nod against his chest "is this one of those bad things you were made to do" I whisper so only he could hear. He nods and his arms tighten and in return so do mine. We stayed like this for several minutes, I blocked out Noah as he was speaking in a muffled voice to Lucas.

At least I blocked them until Lucas spoke loudly  "just wait until he snaps at you Riley". I let go of Sebastian instantly.
I was still pissed with Lucas about last night and he just kept adding comments that fueled my anger.
Sebastian tried to reach out and hug me again but I ignored it, I walked straight to Lucas and without hesitation I slapped him.
"Why don't you shut up, Sebastian has done everything for you and all you do is hurt him"
I think everyone is in shock including me at my little outburst.
But I had never done anything like this before, I slowly turned to Sebastian, he wouldn't be happy. I was violent. I would probably have to face the conciquences now.
Sebastian looked angry, he no longer held any worry or sadness, just pure anger.
I lowered my head as he walked over. I was in so much trouble.
"Sebastian" Noah tried but Sebastian didn't even turn his head.

I couldn't help but flinch when Sebastian stood next to Lucas and I.  Even lucas looked scared so that only made my fear increase.
"Let me see your hand" his voice was deadly calm and I slowly held it out. He proceeded to inspect my hand, which suprised me. "What are you doing si.. Sebastian" I ask mentally cursing myself for almost using sir. "She's okay, take her out of here"  he said to Noah whos facial expression changed from scared to blank .
Noah complied and tried to guide me out of the room but I couldn't help fear where he was taking me. I had been disrespectful, I'm sure that was a rule, not only that I hit Lucas. It was stupid, I shouldn't have. My fear consumed me more and more and my mind wandered about all the possibilities.

"No. Where are you taking me" I ask stopping in the middle of the kitchen.

No answer.

The fear grew.

"I'm sorry Sebastian, please don't let him take me there, I'll be good, I'm sorry. Where are you taking me" my voice was trembling badly and I was freaking out.

Sebastian who had been staring at Lucas, turned and the dark look made me shiver.
"Just get her out, now Noah"

I cried as Noah picked me up and took me out of the room. When we were in the hallway he put me back down and I wrapped my arms around myself for comfort I was in so much trouble.
"Noah" I whisper. He had an emotionaless expression, before he could say anything we heard Sebastian.

"How fucking dare you tell her, you are a self centered immature fucker"
I shuddered at how loud and how angry he sounded despite the kitchen door being closed and despite being more closer to the living room then kitchen. "Big deal, dad would have had her training by now"we heard Lucas shout back.
"And you think I'll suddenly be more open about our lives now she knows. Well you little prick, you're wrong. So fucking wrong. You keep crossing the line over and over"

Noah didn't waste much time after that he quickly grabbed his jacket and put his shoes on. He then took my shoes from the shoe rack and handed me them. I complied quickly, I didn't want to be here for whatever was happening in the kitchen right now.

I was trembling as I put them on, I hated how much I was terrified of them all especially Sebastian right now. "Where is your jacket Riley" Noah asked searching through the jackets on the hooks. "Upstairs" I whisper, half expecting him to yell at me.

"You're a fucking addict.... prick" we no longer could hear full sentances, just snippets.
"Ok here, you can wear this" he  handed me a jacket and from what I could tell it was most likely Noah's or Sebastian's. It was massive on me but I wasn't about to complain. I knew I was in trouble and once Sebastian had finished with Lucas I would be his next target.

As soon as we are out of the house and down past the drive and gates. Noah's dimeanor changed, he looks more relaxed.
"Well since breakfast is ruined we are going on a breakfast run" he stated and I sigh. At least he wasn't taking me to some torture room in the middle of nowhere. But what if this a trap?
Why didn't he tell me when we were in the house?
"So no torture room?" I mentally face palm myself at how I worded my question. I wanted to ask if it was just breakfast but I worded way to bluntly. Suprisingly Noah laughs but then his eyes go wise as if he realized something. "Riley, I know you have found out so much this morning but just know we would never do something like that to you"  his voice was sincere and I could see he was being serious so I just nodded "ok" I tell him but I wasn't convinced fully.

"Why didn't he reassure me when I freaked out" I ask as we start walking.
"Honestly I have no clue, it was very unlike Sebastian, he's always so protective and comforts you so much that I expected him to come rushing over to you however, he is quite angry at the moment, I suppose he didn't want you to see him like that anymore than you needed too" he explained and I sort of understood. He was scarier than when I first met him.
"Are you truly ok with what we are though" he asked.
"It's how you were raised right" I say and he nods. "Father was a bastard to us especially Sebastian growing up. I don't know what went on but I know it must have been bad"
I knew partly and it wasn't just bad, it was horrifying.

"I'm ok with it, Sebastian was the most scariest when I first met him and now I see him as a big softie. You were made to become killers, it's your nature now and although I rather have 3 normal brothers who aren't killers I still accept you all" I tell him and a big smile makes its way onto his face. "I have the best sister ever" he said mainly to himself.

"So what do you fancy for breakfast, I think we will eat in and get some food to go for the others" Noah said as we looked through a menu whilst cueing. "Waffles" I tell him and he smiles "good choice"

We ordered, got our drinks and found a table, I had a hot chocolate and he had a coffee.

(Time Skip as they were just talking and eating breakfast)

"We really need to start hanging out more, just us" he states after we finish  breakfast. I nod in agreement, Noah was  fun to hang out with.

He ordered a few pastries and we left. "Is it safe to go back then" I ask as we walked down the streets. "Yeah Sebastian has calmed down, he wants to talk to you" he said confirming my suspicion that he had messaged Sebastian before we left the cafe.
I gulp, it was now my turn to be on the end of Sebastian's wrath.

Soooo alot happened this chapter..
Any thoughts on what Sebastian wants?

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