41-Skip Class

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A/N: hey bitches. I'm back after my (what has become) a three week break. How have things been for you bc honestly my life has been a fucking shit show so that's great. This book is looking towards been a little bit under 60 chapters bc there's still a lot more tea that hasn't been revealed so that's kinda what coming. Also the dynamic between Liv and Ash will be growing and you'll see all the secrets revealed...dun dun dunnnn...hope you enjoy :)
I walk into school hand in hand with Ashton.

I have never gotten a more immature response to such a simple action. I can't wait until we're in the real world and people don't act like this.

A guy whistled, a group of girls gave me judgy looks, one guy muttered "Ho" under his breath and I 'accidentally' stepped on his foot and also had to hold pretty boy back from killing him, a group of guys on the football team patted Ashton's back and said "good job" to which he responded "fuck off."

Not to mention all the signs across the school for the Senior Dance.

Overall it's been a very eventful morning. I didn't dare kiss him in the hallway or I would have gotten more guys calling me a slut when they are literally fucking man-whores. I like to think of myself as a generally nice person but slut shaming is something I do not tolerate under any circumstances. It's a fucking disgusting thing. Especially for something as simple as holding someone's hand.

If I ever told Lay about that incident he would be dead meat. I chuckle to myself at the thought of her beating the little shit up. I probably shouldn't. I straighten my face but probably end up looking constipated. Oh well. I usually look constipated.

I didn't mean that in a weird way.

We get to my locker and he puts his hand on my cheek, rubbing circles with his thumb.

I move his hand away from my face., and he gives me a hurt look.

"They're going to stare." I mumble, he scoffs.

"Fuck them. If they stare, I'll kill them."

"You couldn't kill anyone, you don't have the heart." I tease him, but am also telling the truth.

"Of course I fucking have the heart. I could kill anyone here if I wanted to."

"Not meeeee." I say in a sing-song voice. He smiles softly at this. I turn around ready to start walking to my first class and pretty boy plants his body in front of mine, pressing my back against the lockers. I roll my eyes at his stubbornness.

"You are insane." I mutter, before pressing a kiss to his lips and sliding under his arm, strutting my stuff.

I make it halfway to my English class but not before I'm interrupted my peaceful walk yet again by pretty boy. He wraps his arm around my waist, and prevents me from walking any further.

"You do know that I could easily hurt you right now." I state plainly.

"Oh yeah? Let's see."

"I don't want to damage your ballsack for obvious reasons." I look away from him, clearing my throat so he gets the message. He chuckled at this but stays exactly where he is. "What do you want me to do right now?" I simply ask him.

"Let's skip class!" He says excitedly, sounding like a little kid. I can't help but smile at his tone.

That's what I love about him, he always makes me genuinely happy.




We've been dating for 2 days, it is simply infatuation.

I stare at him for a few moments as he gives me puppy eyes. I let out a sigh, and begrudgingly agree to it.

He gives me a huge smile and butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"Well come on, let's go to the supply closet." I take his hand and we blend in with the people rushing to their classes.

Quietly closing the door behind us I let out a chuckle at how insane my boyfriend is. Sometimes I wonder if he's bipolar, threatening to kill everyone and then giving me puppy eyes and pouting.

"Whatcha laughing about?" He asks.

"So nosy aren't you?" I tease.

"Except now I have the right to be nosy because I'm your boyfriend!" He says this with a joking undertone.

"I'm so happy." I state. He bring his face closer to mine and I feel his breath on my face as he replies.

"I am too." Brushing his lips against mine, not more than a slight brush of our lips somehow makes the hairs on my arms stand up, exhilarated. Ashton moves his face back and stares me in the eyes, silently asking for confirmation and when I nod, he bring his lips back to mine.

This time it's more passionate, a rush of movements and breaths. A mess of groans and hands. I don't know how long we're making out for before the closet door opens. We jump apart from each other and I immediately go to fix my hair. Running my fingers through my hair, and straightening out my clothes, I find the Janitor looking at us with a disapproving head shake.

He hands us two pink detentions slips. 

I'm planning on ending this book somewhat soon even though there's a lot still coming because the filler chapters are honestly what got me to the stage where I was so burnt out so I plan to only do chapters with important plot lines in them. Anyways that'll make everything more entertaining for the readers.

kisses 💋

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