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I had stayed home for another day because I had the flu but now I'm feeling better.

I convinced Ashton to go to (most of) school yesterday. I felt bad making him miss more since he missed almost all of school two days ago, taking care of me.

He still checked on me during lunch though.

It was like he was trying to make me fall in love with him, it was a little disrespectful for be honest.

I walk up to the third floor for math class. I'm so not ready for this shit. I despise math (we all know how often I use the word despise AKA sparingly).

I notice Ashton standing by his locker.

I walk up to him. I probably shouldn't. Everything he does is perfect it's not fair. It's like he wants to break my heart every time he calls me a pal (which is quite often unfortunately.)

"Hey, pal what's up?" See? I force myself to not grimace at the word.

"Nothing much. What about you?"

"Same, how are you feeling?"

"Much better." I reply.

"That doesn't say much since you were feeling like absolute shit."

"I'm doing good." I reply, more firm this time.

I stop. I forgot my math notebook in my locker on the second floor.

"Oh fucking hell. I'm such an idiot. I want to punch a wall." I muttered.

I start turning around when I meet something that sure feels a lot like what I'd been wanting to punch.

It was just Ashtons chest.

Now you see what I mean about the perfect thing.

It's actually not fair.

I punch his stomach. I can't help it.

"Jesus Christ." He doubles over, holding onto his stomach. "What the hell did I do to deserve that?" He sounds angry but only in a teasing way, I hope.

"Sorry! Do you want me to take you to the nurse?" I offer. He chuckles. Ok definitely teasing, that's good.

"You can definitely pack a punch." He says through clenched teeth.

"Here, let me take you to the nurse." He brushes me off, but I insist to at least get him an ice pack even if he doesn't use it.

He begrudgingly takes my hand and follows me to the nurse.

"Sorry! I really mean it, I don't know what I was thinking. I just was upset, I really should learn to better control that. That's not the point, I'm super duper duper sorry. I really really mean it! What else can I do for you?" I ramble.

"Stop saying sorry, sunflower." At least it wasn't 'pal' this time.

I let out a small laugh. He raises an eyebrow.

"I can't believe I fucking punched you." I say this, amusement lining my voice.

He chuckles.

"You really are something."

What did he mean by this?

I look up at him, planning to ask just that. But he tilts my head a little higher, and bends down.

And now his lips are on mine.

I can't think.

It's a rush. I've never felt anything like this. It's like my veins are lit on fire.

His lips feel familiar on mine. Like we've already kissed. Like we've been meant for each other since the day we were born.

Of course I'm just being a hopeless romantic with all of these thoughts.

His kisses trail down my neck, reaching a spot that makes my eyes widen.

Pretty boy is kissing the scar.

The scar I got from the day when he cut me. I recognize this feeling that's rising in my throat.

My breathe catches in my throat. I know this feeling all too well.

I need to stop this right now. And it needs to be final.

I pull my body away from his in a jerking motion.

He immediately looks apologetic.

"Um. Ok that was weird, we shouldn't have. Maybe let's just pretend it didn't happen? We're much better at being pals."

I don't know why he kissed me. It was probably an accident. A rush of the moment. This was a sign.

I awkwardly give him a friendly punch on his arm.

"Yeah. You're totally right. That was...wrong. I don't need ice. I'm good. You should get to class." Ashton says.

I turn around, starting towards the bathroom. I feel my head fogging over, the feeling of losing control starting.

Before leaving, I hear a voice call down the hall.

"See you later, pal!"
A/N: sorry for the short chapter but it's a double update so that's ok.

also the next chapter is fucking intense so there will be a t/w and (if all goes right) it will be out tomorrow. Get excited for that because some really big key events are coming up.

I got nothing else to say but the fact that this is unedited of course. I don't really think I even need to say that because it always is hehe 🙃

kisses 💋

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