34-Loose Piece of Yarn

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3 weeks later

Things haven't been the same since I hurt Ashton. I thought he'd be to open up to me a bit just as a friend but that hasn't happened.

He's been completely cold to me. I get that I hurt him but I didn't think we had been close enough for me to hurt him.

Never mind my previous statement because that's just me lying to myself. If it hurt me this much I can't image how much it hurt him when he actually believes what I told him is true.

It's my birthday next week but my family is going to my cousins house for the Christmas holidays so I'll be there for it. I wish I could be with my friends but that's just life. You can't always get what you want.

Me and Aiden went out for pizza with Kai. I'm not actually eating pizza because it's so oily, god knows how many calories are in it but I am sipping water.

I've been mostly quiet this entire experience, adding little comments here and there but nothing more than that.

We are now heading home. It's close to 9 o'clock at this point because Kai decided to eat really slowly and stall us.

We drive up to my dark house and Kai asks if he can come in and use the bathroom. Again, using the word tinkle.

I unlock the door and enter my house before the two boys, flipping on the kitchen lights and throwing my keys onto the counter. I kick off my sneakers and start going upstairs. Kai grabs my hand and tells me I should go to the living room.

"Why? I want to go upstairs and change into pajamas." I grab my hand away from his and start walking upstairs. Kai then picks me up, bridal style. "I'm giving you five seconds to put me down or I will chop off your dick."

"Well then I better throws you on the couch fast." Aiden follows us as Kai carries me into the living room. I count, getting to four before jumping not from wanting to get out of his arms but because I'm shocked.

The lights are turned on and a lot of people jump out from behind furniture. This is like a scene from the movies. It's clear Aiden didn't know about this either from his facial expression.

There are balloons all over the floor and birthday banners hung up. All of my closest friends and many that I'm not so close with are here. I immediately search for Ashton and find him standing by Kailey. I see Aiden staring at Leila who looks stunning in a light blue dress that sinches along the sides.

Kailey and Jay come over and group hug me with Kai. Ashton noticeably stays farther away, talking to Liza, a girl I'm friends with who's here.

I get an irrational wave of anger at Ashton who is laughing with someone when he won't even talk to me.

My dramatic ass decides to make a whole scene out of it. I walk over to him, grab his wrist and drag him upstairs.

"Let's go pretty boy. We gotta talk." He chuckles.

"Oh this again?"

"Fuck off. You haven't even talked to me. I'm just I didn't want this to happen ever I love your company and have been miserable without it."

"Oh really? You want my company? Well that sucks because every time I hang out with you it feels like I'm a loose pierce of yarn and you just pull on it unraveling the entire sweater. No, you know what? I actually have feelings for you. That might be crazy to your insecure ass but I do."

"That's not the problem. Ash—I mean you don't even know how fucked up I am."

"You have shit going on and I know that. I understand that. I understand you. But you just seem to fucking push me away every single time because your scared of what you feel. I like you a lot but if you aren't going to admit that you have some sort of feelings for me besides friendship then I'm just going to stop talking to you. This whole just friends thing is bullshit because if we hang out then we're just going to accidentally brush shoulders and feel sparks again. I know you feel them too because I'm not crazy enough to completely imagine this all. I'm good with you completely sabotaging yourself but I'm done getting in the way. Either you feel this too or I leave because I can't do this anymore."

"Ashton. I can't just—I guess I..fine I—" We're interrupted by the door being burst open and Kai coming in opening a champagne bottle and Leila and Aiden holding hands and Jay and Kailey laughing.

"The party's just getting started!" Kai yells.
A/N: not sure what to write..it's another chapter.


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kisses 💋

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