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I wake up to hear someone laughing. I groan and squint open my eyes to see what's going on.

Everything comes rushing back.

I fell asleep while half on top of Ashton. We were in a cuddling position. I open my eyes fully as I feel the breeze.

I turn my head to see a group of the football players staring at us.

I hold up my middle finger and use all my self control to lift myself into a sitting position. Ashton groans.

"It's cold." He mumbles.

"Of course it cold when you don't have your girlfriend as a blanket." Cameron teases. Ashtons head snaps in the direction of him and he clearly understands what happened as he flips him off.

"Soulmates." Leo states. I roll my eyes and run my fingers through my hair to make myself look more presentable. I rub my eyes. "So how is the happy couple?"

"Fuck off." Ashton says at the same time as I say,

"We're not a couple." We look at each other and then look back at the football players who are still staring at us.

"Do you have anything else to say, or will you leave me alone?" I snap.

"Actually I have so much to say." Cameron says, "You seem to be fully clothed right now but I don't want to assume that you kept things PG knowing Ashton." What a dick.

"Maybe stop assuming anything about us in general." I retort.

"So there is an us." Leo points out.

I don't respond to this. I simply get up off the floor and stretch by aching body.

"Thanks for being my blanket." Ash whispers in my ear.

"I can't believe we fell asleep." I mutter. I grab my sweatshirt off of the ground and throw it over my shoulders.

"I can. You're calming to be around." He states.

The football team has all kind of dispersed at this point.

"Thanks?" I don't really know how to take a compliment.

We walk over and sit by the fire pit. Not many people were outside, and the fire obviously wasn't lit but we sat on two tree stumps next to each other.

We chat for a bit about nothing in particular. Not the deep questions we were asking each other last night. Just some banter per usual.

Before long people start filing out, coming out of their buildings.

"Liv and Ash!" We hear someone call our names and both turn in that direction. As a result, our shoulders brush. An electric current runs through me, leaving me wanting to touch him more than ever.

If just the slightest brush of skin felt this good I wonder what it would be like to give him a hug. I have to use my self restraint to not ask for one.

I realize I'd been spacing out as Ash waves a hand in front of my face.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Are you there?" He questions. I just nod.

Kai had walked over to us.

"We're going to swim today I think." He tells us. That sounds pretty fun. It's a good thing I brought a bathing suit.

I go inside to change after talking to them for a bit. I get into my black one piece (shown at the beginning of the chapter). There aren't any full length mirrors here so I'm basically screwed. I'll just have to suck my stomach in all the way just in case.

I put on an oversized tshirt over my bathing suit and tie up my sneakers. Kailey is wearing a white bikini and Leila is wearing a neon yellow one piece with cutouts. They both look amazing and make me feel insecure but I refuse to show it when I'm around people.

The grade all walk down to a different lake than the one we went to the other day. This one we are actually allowed to swim in.

I pull my tshirt over my head and run in, holding Leila's hand.

We, as always, end up in a water fight.
The trip was over and I had just arrived home. I was unpacking.

I'm mulling over the fact that I've probably seen many many stranger on the last days of their lives. I could drive by a car that will crash ten minutes later, leaving all the passengers dead and I'd never know.

What a nice thought.
A/N: that's the last chapter about the trip which is sad but I love the next two chapters so it isn't sad.

I had to include the last part with the thought about dead strangers bc I was thinking abt this in the shower and it's genius.

I love you so so much if you are reading this 🥺💞

kisses 💋

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