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'Keep dreaming' I mouth.

He laughs. A full on laugh. And then covers his mouth because he realized the teacher is still trying to introduce him to the class.

Ms. Reid glares at him.

"Is there something that's funny Mr. Rivera?"

"Yes." He leaves it at that, saying nothin else. She looks slightly shocked not used to the disrespect, before continuing.

"And what pray tell is so funny that you felt the need to interrupt me?" He doesn't reply, only motions to me with his head. I don't understand how he does that without it looking severely awkward. I've always wanted to be able to but it just looks like I've jerked my head in order to get out soreness. I'm jealous of him.

The whole class turns to me. My head snaps to the front of the class to look as Ms. Reid like a deer in headlights.

"What is your name?" She asks me with a stern tone.

"Miss Hart." I answer, slightly making fun of the way she doesn't use our first names because I don't think she'll catch on.

"Well Miss Hart would you like to share whatever you said to Mr. Rivera with the whole class so we can have a nice laugh together?"

"No ma'am it was just an inside joke." I try to get out of telling the whole class I told him keep dreaming because that would be very awkward.

"Mr. Rivera why don't you sit in the empty seat in front of Miss Hart because you are already friends."

Okay, this is definitely fate. He gives me a somewhat raised eyebrow look but isn't fully raising an eyebrow.

Pretty boy doesn't question the teacher for the first time in the entire interaction. He walks over to the seat in front of me and gives me a look before sitting down. I'm not exactly sure what the look said but it definitely was a look.

I look towards Kailey and Leila, a look that says "OH MY GOD HES LITERALLY SO HOT!"

Leila throws a piece of paper at pretty boys head, making it look like I threw it. He looks at me and winks. Ew. Whatever we can get past the winking stage if he's my soulmate.

"What are we? In middle school?" I whisper to Lay and she quietly laughs.

I decide to be a good student and finally try to pay attention.

"—we'll be splitting into groups to do all the work for the book." She was in the middle of a statement and I had no clue what was going on. Let's see if we can figure this out. She looks at the attendance sheet and starts listing off names, obviously picking partners.

"Max and Diana, Hallie and Lyllia, Lucas and Cade, Liza and Fiona, Frankie and Lacey, Kailey and Leila, and since you two are already so close," She has spite in her voice, "let's put Ashton and Livia together."

"Ok partner up! Start doing the work!" I have zero clue what work were supposed to.

Pretty boy turns around in his chair so he's sitting on it backwards, facing me. As Kailey walks past me to sit with Leila, she coughs. Very loudly.

"You choking on something?" I say, sarcastically, glaring at her.

She gives me the middle finger before whispering in my ear "Better not fuck up your chance for happily ever after." She teases me. Now I'm the one to give her the middle finger.

She slides into the half of Leila's chair that Leila scooted over do she had room to sit on.

"So.." I turn back to pretty boy. "Do you have any idea what we're supposed to be doing?"

"Uh uh you aren't going to skip over the fact that Ms. my glares are so scary thinks we're friends." I laugh at the fact that he called our teacher that.

"Do you like art?" I blurt out. I'd been wanting to know since I first saw him.

"I don't dislike art, but I was there because of a friend."

"Oh." Maybe he wasn't my soulmate. Maybe his friend is my soulmate. "What's his name, is he cute?" I decide to play with him.

"Kai Dalton." My jaw drops.

"He's into art?!"

"Why? Do you know him?"

"He's my brothers friend and he goes here so I know him from that too."

"Oh. Who's your brother? I know all Kai's close friends."

"Aiden Hart." I see the wheels turning in his head. He looks at me, shocked.

"ohmyfuckinggod." He looks like a ghost. "I um I gotta go." He grabs his bag, leaving the class.

What the fuck?

I turn to my friends, tapping them on the shoulder.

"um. He just left. As soon as I told him about Aiden. He just walked out after muttering oh my fucking god." I tell them, shocked.

"What?" Kailey drags me onto her lap, and my legs hurt from holding all of my weight on them so I didn't put any weight on her.

"I don't know what happened. Let's hope pretty boy doesn't have an awful secret that would ruin our entire happily ever
We tell Jay about everything and he doesn't understand it either. Instead he says,

"Men, they're so dramatic. It's really irrational." We all laugh at this.

I put it off my mind as we all sit at a table that Liza, Hallie, and Cameron are already sitting at. We're friends with them since they're all pretty cool people.

We have a fun time together at lunch catching up on what they did this summer since we only hung out with them a few times.

A/N: Sorry it's a short chapter but it's honestly a cute one and is very important to the plot so I hope that makes up for it 😅
Anywhore the loml Kai was finally mentioned. I love every character I birth bc they're literally my children but Kai Dalton really holds a special place in my heart. Soooo get excited for when you actually meet him.

Alsoooo it's 11 years of 1D so that's fun and also sad but..

And just a note: this was written at 1AM and is unedited so there may be many mistakes and I apologize.

Kisses 💋

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