Looking Forward For Lasagna

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*Heya sorry again for the wait but I hope this chapter is good and you enjoy it. Also thank you so much for 22.4K!! Its fucking mad, man!*

Peter's POV

I fell through into my bedroom floor. The pain was starting to properly kick in, especially as my wounds were trying to heal over but the arrow was healing into my side which is not good.

"What the fuck! What the fuck! What the fuck!!" Someone started to whisper-yell.

Now I realise that I wasn't in fact in my room, I was in the living room. Shit. "H-heyy.." I crack a pained smile.


And another realisation hit me, I was in the suit. Double shit. Screw it, "Y-yeah, um could you help me up?"

Their footsteps become louder as it echoes through the floor, which my ear was crushed onto, and I see their dark red flats. It was Alice. She lightly takes my arm, careful not to put too much pressure on it, and helps me up.

She brings me to the couch and helps me sits down without the arrow in my side touching any of the cushions. I rip of my mask and chuck it onto the ground, it was burnt anyway. "Y-your Spiderman?!" She was rummaging around in the cupboards.

"Mhm. So how was your evening with Sofia? I'm sorry I wasn't back sooner, well as you can see I had situation.."

"Well, no shit," She rolled her eyes, walking back over with a first aid kit, "Avengers?"

"Yeah, how did you know?"

She crouched down in front of me and started to unpack the first aid kit, "I may be old but I'm not totally out of the news. I know their the reason Spiderma- you couldn't go into the limelight in fear or arrest. But I must say I'm a little shocked you could keep your identity secret but not able to keep your crush secret. Like that seems like a tiny secret compared-"

"You know I like Harley?!"

"Of course! It's weird that Harley doesn't take the hint and ask you out." she smiles while inspecting the arrow.

Panic fills me, "Do you think he knows?!"

She shakes her head, "No, but he should ask you out anyway, you guys would be a cute couple."

My cheeks flush to colour of my suit, "Ahem, uhh, anyway, was Sofia good?"

"Yes, we played chess."

"She knows how to play chess?"


"Then how-"

"She just moves the pieces around anywhere and I tell her she wins, but the limit of squares you can move is four."

I nod my head and grip the side of the couch because as Alice started to turn my side to look at the back of the arrow the arrow moved. "Ok, Peter, we're going to have to cut open your side to get the arrow out. Do you need something to bite on? This will hurt a lot.." Alice looked at me sympathetically.

I take a deep breath, "No its fine, I've done this type of stuff before. Just go ahead-"
The knife plunged into my side and cut deep until it hit the arrow. I felt the blood flowing down my side, mixing with the other dried blood. When she started to move the arrow out, I had to grip the side of the couch.

Finally, when the arrow was out of my side, I slouched my shoulders in relief, "Thank you Alice."

"Its fine. But you still have loads of injures and I think maybe go to a hospital- shush let me finish my sentence- but I know you won't do that so I'm going to help with the burns on you back while you can work on that gash on your arm. I will also be asking questions." She instructed.

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