Reason y I haven't updated

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idk how many of u actually care but the reason why i haven't posted and y i might not post in a while is because i was in a bike accident which resulted in my shoulder being dislocated (sadly my dominant hands shoulder) and yesterday the dr said they think i have light nerve damage which is just fabulous

(in my defence im good at cycling its only because of a dog running in front of me and my slamming on my brakes-)

it might be a while until i can post normally but i promise i will try my best with getting back to normal on writing and posting this book. 

thank you to the people who have stuck by this crap book, i love you all. And to my fabulous friends (irl) who are so careful with my shoulder (jk love u Mekreen and Lucy-poosy).   

i love you all and i hope u don't give up on this book! Ig 'talk' soon...

(feel free to comment anything and i will try and respond rlly soon and we can chat or something) 

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