Will we lose?...

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Peter's POV

After that man pushed me out of the bathroom I decided to end my shift early, get Sofia out of here. "Mr Delmar I'm going to end my shift early" I called to the back room,

"Okay Peter! See you soon!"
I waved and walked over to Sofia and Harley. "Hey Harls, I think we should leave".

"Why?" he was bouncing Sofia on his knee.

"Some lady is in the bathroom... looking worse for wear, and her friends are there to help her. But I want Sofia to be out of harm way" I said, packing up our stuff. He nodded and picked Sofia up. When we were walking away, I called an ambulance.

Bucky's POV

We were still sitting in the small shop when the Peter boy came out of the bathroom and packed up his stuff and walked out with Harley. I heard muffled shouts when he was in there, but I saw Clint, Tony and Stephan go in there so I'm sure it fine.

But when an ambulance rolled up, I had to know what was going on. "Hey what's going on?" I asked one of the paramedics.

"A boy called saying that there was a unresponsive woman in the bathroom, left with some men. But the boy said I wasn't there as he was getting his friends out of there."

I nearly screamed and ran to the bathroom. Natasha!! When I burst through the bathroom door, no one was there. Steve ran in after me, "What's going on?!" he asked.

"We need to get the tower NOW!!" I yelled, me and Steve grabbed the others and we sped off to the tower.

When we arrived I ran to Med bay, I heard the others follow. When we arrived, I saw Clint sitting there, head in hands. He looked up at the sound of us running, his face covered in tear marks. I walked over to him and wrapped him in a massive hug. Me and Clint where Natasha's closest friends. I started to cry silently, I felt Clint bawling into my shoulder but I didn't care. I didn't care that the whole team could see me crying. I don't care that the whole team can see me hugging someone so tight. I only cared that Natalia is in danger.

Tony's POV

Stephan and Bruce were in there with Nat. I was worried sick; I saw the whole team sitting in silence. Only noises heard were Clint's cries. I was trying to calm myself enough to call Harley.
Finally, I felt the lump in my through die slightly, I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. While searching for Harley's contact, I walked into the hallway.

"Hey Tony! What's up?" his voice was so happy; I felt my heart clench.

"H-h-hey... um we n-need you h-home"

"Are you okay?"

"Yea- no... i-i-it's Nat...she's hurt. Come h-home. We don't k-know if we have to say g-g-goodbye."

I heard him mumble to someone 'I gotta go' and then I heard him panting, like he was running. "Be there soon" then he hung up.

Harley's POV

I ran into Med bay and saw everyone sitting there, silently crying. I felt tears fall on my cheeks, I stumbled over to Tony. I fell into his arms and we stayed like that. Hugging and crying.

Peter's POV

When I dropped Sofia back at the hospital, I knew what I had to do. When I took off the woman's sunglasses, I saw мама паук's face staring back at me. I ducked back into an alley and changed into my suit. I swung over to the Avenger's Tower.

I climbed throw the window of Med bay, I was shocked to see Harley there though. But Spider-man doesn't know Harley, so I decided against saying anything, anyway this is not the time for this. "Clint... is мама паук okay?!" I said, Clint looked up. When he saw me he ran over and hugged me. "She's not okay is she?" I whispered, he shook his head. Now I let my tears fall. Me and Clint slowly fell to our knees hugging and crying.

Harley's POV

Spider-man climbed into med bay. My celebrity crush climbed through the window, worried about aunt Nat. He called her 'мама паук'. Spider-man was worried about my aunt, they have a close relationship. Nat knew so many people that loved her, and if she goes... so many people will lose.

I will lose and aunt,

Clint will lose his platonic soulmate, his best friend.

Bucky will lose the only person he shared pain with, someone who understood,

Steve will lose the person who was there for him when he had nobody, who stood with him,

Wanda will lose her friend and mother figure,

Tony will lose his friend, and closest thing to a sibling he will ever get, (A/N no one can tell me otherwise)

Stephan will lose someone to talk to, someone calm and chill that he could talk normally to,

Sam will lose a friend and someone who pushed him to be better, someone who he felt protected around, the safest he felt since the military.

Vision will lose someone to learn from, someone who he never was able to read, someone that made him feel human.

Bruce will lose someone he didn't feel like a monster around,

And Spider-man... he will lose his мама паук... 

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