Tea Party

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*time skip a few days later. Every other day Harley, Peter and Wade go and see Sofia together.*

Peter's POV

Today was so boring. Boring subjects, boring homework, boring tests. Even Flash was boring, he didn't even make and snarky comments. They only interesting thing that happened today was that Mr Warren announced that we will have a surprise test tomorrow. But a shitty thing was also happening tomorrow, May was coming home. 

Harley's POV

After hearing about the surprise test I just knew that Tony had something to do with it. But I'm not 100% sure what it was. But tonight me, Peter and Wade are taking Sofia to central park for a tea party. Sofia wanted to have a Disney princess tea party, I promised her to bring costumes for me, Pete and Wade as a surprise. Even though I've only known Sofia for a little while but I do really love her. 

Tony's POV

Me and the team have noticed that Harley is way more happy, plus he is out late every other night. He wouldn't tell us what's going on so we decided that we would follow him from a distance. 

*after school*

When FRIDAY alerted us that Harley had left school with his friends, we grabbed our hoodies and went to grab our most low-key car.

Peter's POV

We walked into Sofia's room and saw her sitting on her bed in a Arial dress, "Hey honey, you look like a princess. Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, but you guys aren't" She smiled, 

"What do you mean?" I walked over and picked her up,

"Harley can you...." She did a evil smirk. One Harley returned. 
"Of course m'lady" he pulled his gym bag open. 
He handed me a small plastic bag, same to Wade. "Go change into these." 

Me and Wade shared a look before nodding and walking out to the bathrooms, leaving Harley to use Sofia's personal bathroom. 

When I walked into the bathroom stall I opened the bag. I pulled out a Elsa costume. Laughing I pulled it on a tucked my brown curls into the platted wig. 
Walking out of the stall, stuffing my clothes into the plastic bag, I saw Wade in a full on Belle costume. He was checking his ass in the mirror. "You look ridicules" 

"You mean I look fabulous!" He flicked his wig and it fell off. I burst out laughing as he scrambled trying to put it back on. "Come on Belle" 

We walked back to Sofia's room, "Dad! Uncle Wade! You guys look great!" Sofia ran over and jumped into Wade's arms, I clutched my heart in fake shock at her picking him over me. She just stuck her tongue out at me. Suddenly Sofia's bathroom door opened and Harley walked out in a Merida costume, he was spitting the hair out his mouth. "Ready to go?" I ask, he nods and chucks his bag on the bed before taking Sofia into his arms. 

Walking down the street we got a few different reactions, some would laugh, while others smiled at the sight of 3 teenagers wearing princess dresses for a little girl. 

When we reached the park we set up our picnic blanket and set out our tea set. Ever since we left the hospital I couldn't shake the feeling of someone watching us, but I didn't sense danger so I just shrugged it off. 

Tony's POV

We waited out side the hospital for 15 minutes before they came out again. But this time they were in costumes and with a little girl. She was in Harleys arms, she was giggling and Harley and who I assume is Peter were laughing at the other boy strutting his shit. He was wearing a massive yellow dress and he was full on cat walking. 

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