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*I'm soooo bad at fight scenes so please just bear with me! Also got some of the ideas from another writer but I can't remember who it was but they did it so well and if you know who it is please tell me so I can credit them! Also thank you so much for 18K! Its honestly mad! *

Peter's POV

Shit is all I could think. How could I be so stupid?! Going onto a building with light and cameras! Ugh stupid, puny, pathetic, Parker.

I escape my thoughts for long enough to see how many of them there are. There are ten of them. Well shit. There's Ms Romanoff, Mr Clint, Mr Stark-Strange, Mr Rogers, Mr Wilson, Mr Barnes, Ms Maximoff, Mr Vision, Dr Banner, and Mr Lang.

"Why hello everyone. I know you like your grand entrances, but I think that cutting my web was a little much." I raised an eyebrow which made one of my eyes on the mask lift a little.

"Told you he's funny!" I heard Mr Clint whisper to Mr Wilson. I smile at that, slowly starting to stand up so they know I'm not going to hurt them. "Um, may I ask we do this another day. I would like to go home and eat some brownies that my daughter made me." I wanted to smack myself, I let lose that I have a daughter! What if they were to go after her to thinking she also have powers?!

"No can do Spidey. Come in with your hands up or we'll make you." Mr Stark-Strange said.

"Come on, son, it's the easy way of the hard way. You choose, either way we win." Mr Rogers looked down at me, his eyes looked like he was pleading but the rest of his just looked like arguing.

"I think the hard way sounds more fun. But a piece of advice for you, don't always be so cocky. People don't like that." I smile, taking a step back closer to the edge.

They all take a step closer. "Don't move." Someone says, I could make out who it was because I was so focused on which way was the easiest to get away. I decided on a way out and went for it. I jumped down, not using any webs so they saw me drop. I got a foot of the ground before shooting a web at the side of the next building, pulling me into it.

I stick to the side of the wall, watching them all looking around for me. I scuttle around the building to the other side. I drop to the ground, careful to make no noise and to stay in the shadows. I hop over fences and bins to walk three blocks away from them. I sometimes had to slap myself against a building when I heard someone flying over me. "Boss, something is trying to enter my coding." Karen whispered in my ear. "Who?"
"I don't know but my guess his Mr Starks AI FRIDAY. I- I'm sorry but their trying very hard to enter, the only way I can stop them from entering control of the suit is shutting down."
"Karen how the hell am I supposed to try and fight them without you?!"
"Fine shut down!" I was panicking but I needed to keep my head. I convinced myself that I would be thankful towards Karen later.

I thought I was in the clear, so I came out the shadows to look both ways, mistake No.1. "HEY! I FOUND HIM!" someone yelled.

"Shush! There might be sleeping babies in these buildings!" I whisper-yell back. Mistake No.2. god tonight's not my night.

"Shut up and get up here!" they yelled.

I sigh, no point hiding now. I shoot a web up and pull myself to the top. It was a big ass roof behind a massive billboard. "Heyyyy guys." I feel nervous but I'm doing my best not to show it.

Mr Rogers sighed, "So, you pick the hard way."

Ugh why does that remind me of something- "So, you got detention." I mimicked, pretending to swing a chair round and sit down.

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