Chapter three

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Around ten we both started to get ready, I wore super tight black jeans, a white angel crop top that went with a leather jacket with white lace up heels. I curled my hair, and did my makeup and we were ready to go.

Alex had finished a few minutes before me, and she was waiting at the door for me. She linked her arm with mine, and we began to walk to the party.

After what seemed like hours, we finally got there. We were a few minutes late, but we made it. Once we walked inside, my best friend walked up to me.

"Hello, beautiful. Want some of this?" She asked, handing me a cup. It smelt like vodka, and so I took the cup and drank it.

"You're not the one to come to parties, I didn't expect you here!" Margaret said. I smiled.

"I usually don't, but I felt bored. How much have you had to drink already?" I asked her. She shrugged.

"A lot. Now, your turn. Let's go get more!" Coco said. I smiled, and followed her.

Around one, Coco went to the bathroom and a beautiful young girl approached me. She was around my age.

"Hello, my name is Ava." The young girl said, as she sat down next to me. I smiled.

"My name is y/n."

"I love your name, it's very beautiful. Just like you." Ava said, which made me smile.

"Why thank you. Your name is beautiful also!" I replied back, and she smiled. Her smile was very pretty.

"So, are you by yourself?" She asked.

"No, I'm here with a few of my friends."

"I don't see them around."

"They're all somewhere around here!" I said, and she tilted her head.

"Well, I can keep you company until someone comes back?" She asked.

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea." I replied, and she smiled. I usually never meet a random girl at a party, and just let her sit here but it was probably the alcohol I drank.

We've been talking for almost two hours, but the party was over.

"Here's my number, keep in touch." She said, as she walked away. Coco had already left, so it had just been Alex and I.

"Ooo, who's that?" Alex said, as she linked her arm with mine and we began to walk back to our dorm.

"Her name is Ava, I got her number." I replied, and Alex smiled. We talked about it a bit more before we got back in our dorm. I took everything off, and passed out on my bed.

The next morning, I had a massive migraine. It was my hangover, I always forget about those. I took a shower, and got ready for the day.

I wore cuffed jeans, and a black crop top with my converse. I did light makeup, and I just straightened my hair.

I decided to walk to the coffee shop before I went to class, because I could get food and coffee there.

I ordered my coffee, and when I turned around Ms. Venable was standing there. And I almost dropped my coffee.

"I- sorry Ms. Venable. I didn't see you there." I said quickly.

"It's okay, honey. I hope you'll be at my class, on time." She said. I nodded.

"Trying to be. But somebody stopped me." I replied. She raised her eyebrow, and moved out of my way.

"Thank you. See you soon, Ms. Venable." I said, and I walked outside.

"Hi, y/n. Funny seeing you here!" Ava said, as she walked up to me.

"Oh, I'm just grabbing coffee. I have English soon, and my head hurts." I replied.

"I have a class soon too. I stopped to get food, and coffee. But now that I've seen you, would you like to go on a date with me?" She asked. It caught me off guard, I haven't been on a date in ages.

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea. I'd love to." I replied. She smiled.

"Sounds like a date! I'll pick you up later?" She asked, and I nodded. I then saw Ms. Venable walking out, she looked a bit angry and I wasn't too sure on why.

Ava and I said our goodbyes, then I made my way to Ms. Venable's class. And for once I was on time. I walked in, and I sat down at my seat.

Ms. Venable looked angrier than she usually does, I'm glad I wasn't late to piss her off more.

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