chapter fourteen

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Ariel was in a sour mood the whole evening after arriving at Hogwarts. Greeting his female housemates was shorter than usual. But those girls were really clingy and wouldn't leave him alone which was difficult to handle. He just wanted to shove them off but refrained himself from doing so. The worst moment was about to come. That night, Ariel had to patrol in the corridors with Moira Goyle, the other seventh-year prefect.

"So Ariel, we didn't get to catch up but how went your holidays?" asked the girl, with a small shy smile. Moira was a petite girl with bright reddish hair. And she was always squealing excitedly with the other girls.

"It went fine. I mainly took time to relax, you know. And the meetings. The usual. How about you, Moira?"

"I travelled through Scotland with my family, to visit some relatives."

"I see. That must have been great then," he told her, with a smile on his face.

The truth was that anything getting out of her mouth was boring the boy even more. Those dull conversations were only exhausting him. But he kept his polite smile onto his scarlet lips, humming slightly and agreeing to her every word even though he was barely listening. But the girl seemed pleased enough by the end of the night. Her cheeks were flushed and she had a bright smile on her face when they went on separated ways in the common room. However, Ariel stayed there and sat himself on the sofa facing the fireplace.

"You look tired," said a voice from behind, a velvet-like voice he could recognize between thousands.

"Imagine having to stay with Moira Goyle for three hours straight," he replied with a sigh.

"She can't be worse than Ivanna Flint. This girl's a pain and a real chatterbox," continued Regulus while going to sit next to him.

"At least Flint's fun."

And Regulus snorted at his words, making the blond boy chuckle as well.

"It's just another year, you'll get used again."

"I know but I like to complain."

"I know," answered the boy with a small smile.

Ariel suddenly let his head fall on the boy's shoulder and Regulus said nothing. It felt pleasant, being alone together again. Ariel felt like he could be himself again.

"I'm tired."

"Don't sleep here, that's not a good idea," warned Regulus, his voice mixed with strictness and a hint of worry.

"I know ,that won't happen. But could you at least kiss me good night," whispered Ariel casually.

And the boy stayed quiet, thinking hard about these words. Ariel had no doubt he had heard him and so he looked up at him, smiling innocently. Regulus' grey orbs looked straight into his blue stare before bending down to peck the corner of his lips.

"That was a shy kiss. I've got more daring kisses from you..." he answered with an amused smirk. He was so close that he didn't miss the rosy color tinting the boy's cheeks.

He frowned a little and looked away from his eyes. "Don't tease me like that..."

"But you know I love to..." he whispered, placing a hand on his cheek and bringing his face down to his so they could share a proper kiss. He would lightly bite down on his bottom lip and smirk against his lips as he would usually do and Regulus melt against him. It was more than appreciable. He felt so warm inside with just that kiss.

"I can't stop myself..." sighed Ariel when he detached himself but dived in again to kiss his lips another few times.

"Don't stop then..." murmured the boy almost inaudibly. But they both heard these words. Regulus distanced himself and stared at the blond boy with wide surprised eyes, blushing even more now.

The older boy looked surprised for a few seconds before he started smirking again. "I think I should stop for tonight still."

He placed one last kiss on his cheek before getting up and making his way towards the dorms. "Good night Regulus."

In the morning, back on his routine, Ariel felt testy. He had to wake up early and attend boring classes with awful classmates - when they were Gryffindors. In Charms or DADA classes, some spells would be flying left and right. And he would witness this, feeling boredom only, thinking of how childish his classmates could be. And later in the day, he would be harassed by his female housemates, all squealing excitedly because Ariel would be conversing with them. It was like this every single day.

"Ariel, how come you don't hang out with us anymore?" once said Rhea Sutcliffe, a fifth-year.

"Yeah, we miss you," whined another girl.

"You know I've been busy," he answered while offering them an apologetic smile.

"Doing what?" instantly asked Fannie Kellet, a sixth-year.

"Studying, mostly, I'm a seventh-year now after all. And just being with the guys as well."

"But when will you be hanging out with us again?" she then asked.

"I don't know... But there's a party coming up, isn't that right? Then young ladies, you'll have all my attention there, I promise," he told them, with one of his most charming grin.

His answer made all girls squeal with excitement and he left them with their new feeling of joy. He went to join Regulus sitting not too far from him on a sofa.

"What about me?" just said the boy, looking up from his Transfiguration essay he was about to complete before this conversation started interesting him.

"Well ladies are asking for my pleasant company, I can't refuse. You can always come chat with us you know," he said with an amused voice, clearly showing he wanted to laugh at his own words.

"As if. I'll be patrolling that night anyway," he replied with a roll of eye.

"Too bad," answered sadly Ariel while wearing a little pout.

Regulus only hummed in answer but the blond boy wasn't satisfied by this.

"Look at me," he huffed.

"No," sighed the raven-haired boy.

"Look at me," said again Ariel while getting closer to him, his chin now touching the boy's shoulder who gulped down with difficulty when feeling such proximity.

"No," he answered calmly while trying to focus on his essay.

"Oh, Black. Aren't you getting tired of him being so clingy?" suddenly said Austin Wilkes laughing while sitting on an armchair by their side.

The boys looked up as some of their housemates went to sit on the other sofas and armchairs around them and Ariel went to sit normally again, and at a safer distance.

Regulus had got used to Ariel's touch at some point. He had quickly noticed that this boy wasn't only flirty but also very touchy and cuddly. So he had no other choice than to get used to receiving all sorts of caresses, embraces and kisses. What he loved other than his touch itself that was the feeling every time he touched him. It screamed "you're mine". They weren't what you could call a couple, they weren't dating, but Regulus felt that he was his. And he loved this.

Regulus would lie if he said he disliked his attention. And that's what he did when one of his housemate asked him about this.

"Yes I am. He's so annoying," answered the boy with an exhausted sigh.

"But you know I love you. And don't get me wrong guys, I do love you too, but Reggie is like my little brother," replied Ariel, amused.

There was a time when Regulus considered him a brother too. At first he thought he was a friend, then more like a brother, since he was in need of a brother too, but now he was sure these feelings didn't correspond at all. And from the way Ariel was being with him, there was no need to ask if his feelings were mutual; it was obvious they were.

"We get it, y'all are besties but no need to stick to each other like a married couple," grumbled Mulciber with disgust.

"We're exactly acting like best friends," just casually said Ariel.

And that was obviously a lie but the others didn't seem to care. It felt only odd to Regulus' ear.

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