chapter five

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Ariel walked into his bedroom, leaving the door ajar. He then walked up to his bedside table and retrieved a pack of cigarettes from the drawer. He slowly brought one to his lips just as Regulus entered the room. And so they finally stared at each other, Ariel with his blond eyebrows arched up, as if he was waiting for Regulus to speak first. In the meantime, he removed his jumper, staying in his white shirt before lighting up his cigarette.

The boy took elegant strides around the room, with one hand in his pocket while the other was holding onto his cigarette, sometimes keeping it between his index and middle finger, sometimes holding it with his thumb and index. Regulus watched every detail. He also looked at how his scarlet lips were exhaling the white smoke from his lungs towards the ceiling. His stature was so elegant, he looked so handsome, his aura so insolent and nonchalant. But Ariel's voice brought him out of his thoughts.

"Explain yourself," he just said, not looking at him, still smoking.

"Do you want me to ask again?"

"No, I told you to explain yourself," he replied with a stern voice, his cold blue eyes staring at him.

"My question wasn't clear enough?"

"No, it wasn't."

"You're trying to win me right? Just to have me in your collection of puppets like those girls or Slughorn," snapped Regulus in an angry voice.

Ariel laughed, of a cynical laugh, feeling really amused by his statement and Regulus frowned, thinking he was just mocking him.

"My collection of puppets, you say? I surely love getting their attention - and yours too," he sneered, looking straight into his eyes with his cunning grin, an expression Regulus was now used to, "but I don't think I can have you the way I have them."

"Why? You're using the same tricks on me, I'm observing you, you know," he calmly replied, trying not to lose his temper.

"Oh, I know. And let me tell you, you're wrong. Sure, there are some similarities in the way I act with you and the way I act with others, because it's me after all. I can't try to win you like you said. And why? Well, you're too smart for this. I told you already. I'm not exactly looking for your attention, like I could be doing with the others. You actually give me all the necessary attention without even asking for it. It's just that for once I'm really enjoying my time."

Regulus listened to his once again entertaining speech. He understood better his actions although a part of him was still confused as for why he would do so. So he just stared at him, thinking before focusing again on Ariel who had started moving again.

The blond boy slowly closed the distance between them. He still had this nonchalant, even insolent aura as he approached him. The boy took out his much smaller cigarette from his smirking lips as he got closer and his eyes wouldn't look away from Regulus'. He felt like a prey under such intense stare but he kept his calm façade. Only the thumping of his heart could betray him but he was glad it was only audible for his ears. Ariel was finally facing him. He bent over, until their faces were just inches away before cocking his head to the side. His hand that wasn't holding the still lit cigarette slightly brushed the boy's hip as he placed his lips on top of his smooth cheek.

When he looked back up, his lips were still forming a grin, and his eyes were still twinkling with amusement. His warm hand hadn't left Regulus' hip and the raven-haired boy felt like his touch was burning through his clothes. Or maybe he was just feeling insanely hot suddenly. He couldn't be sure, shock was still inhabiting him, it was still painting his features as well from the satisfied look on Ariel's face.

"If I wanted to have you in my puppet collection, I surely wouldn't use such actions. And as long as you don't seem to dislike my acts, I don't see the problem."

He finally spoke in a hushed tone, but shrugging and looking carefree before lightly smacking the boy's cheek with his other hand, getting him out of his reverie.

"Where are my cuddles now?" spoke again Ariel as he turned around directing himself towards his bed just behind. He kicked off his shoes and put his cigarette in an ashtray.

"What?" blurted Regulus, still not processing what had just happened.

Ariel turned around, and brought his hand up, messing his perfectly styled hair, and offering a smile to Regulus. From afar he could still notice the light blush painting his cheeks.

"Isn't it a little cold? I think I'll need you to share some of your warmth with me."

And the raven-haired boy stared at him. For a second he wondered if he was the same boy who had shamelessly pecked his cheek some minutes ago. He didn't say anything and started walking to him until barely any distance remained between them. Ariel wasn't much taller, he was taller by not even half a head, but Regulus still had to look up to him. The blond boy smiled and turned around to sit against the bed frame. His hand grabbed the book laying on the bedside table while Regulus climbed up to his side. He continued reading it and Regulus just sat next to him, unmoving, not knowing what to do. Ariel's eyes side-glanced at him and he was just looking straight to the front. The blond boy refrained himself from chuckling and just closed the distance between them, just enough for their bodies to touch each other. He let his head fall on the boy's shoulder as he read. Regulus said nothing, and didn't even move one inch.

It took Regulus a while to finally relaxed against him, letting his own head fall on Ariel's, his eyes staring at the book. The troubling and vivid emotions he had felt earlier had gradually calmed down and Ariel could feel it as well. He focused on reading. It was a story about a beautiful friendship. The man seemed to be dreaming of his late friend who expressed the wish of lying with him after his own death. 

"What's this book you've been reading?" he suddenly asked curious about this story.

"The Iliad."

"And who are Achilles and Patroclus?"

"Two tragic lovers."

So they were lovers, thought Regulus.

After a few minutes, he could feel Ariel's eyes on him, he then slightly angled his face so his voice would reach better his ear as he talked in a teasing voice. "You're a lot warmer than last time, maybe I should kiss you more often."

And Regulus tensed up, feeling his cheeks become hot again. Ariel brought back his attention to the book while letting out a light chuckle.

He definitely enjoyed Regulus' presence a lot more than before. He had a certain pleasure in getting his attention specifically. Being with him, talking to him, and anything related to him felt different and more appreciable than with anyone else. And he hoped the younger boy would stop doubting his words and actions. Surely he was flirting with him, the same way he would flirt with his female housemates but for once, he really liked doing so. Even Regulus' reactions pleased him more. With him, Ariel didn't hide, and didn't refrain his feelings, his wants. He wanted to kiss his cheek at the moment and he did so. Which felt very good.

author's note: yes i had to make a reference to one of my favorite books. and it's not the last one

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