chapter four

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That night was a lonely winter night for Ariel Malfoy. It wasn't that late but as it was a week day, and a cold one, people would rather go to their bed early to enjoy the warmth under their blankets. But not Ariel. He decided to go to the common room sometime after curfew. Wrapped up in a warm blanket, he was sitting on the green-leather sofa facing the crackling fire. He loved the common room. He loved the atmosphere it gave off, he loved its aesthetics, and at this moment he really loved its calm and quietness. He was happy reading in solitude for a while until he realized something was missing. The blonde boy had been too used to nights spent with Regulus in the common room that it felt strange to be in this place without him now. He surely could go to bed but he would rather stay longer, waiting for Regulus to come back from his patrolling session.

Luckily for him, it didn't take too long and some minutes later, the raven-haired male entered the room, accompanied by his partner, Ivanna Flint.

"Oh finally, you're there. Come join me, I'm cold," he said in a fake, whining voice.

"Who? Me?" asked Ivanna Flint as she stopped in her tracks, a slight blush on her cheeks.

"No, not you. Ivanna, you know that I love you, but I don't want Silas to murder me," he told the girl with a gentle smile and a gentle look in his blue eyes.

The girl instantly calmed any ardor that could have risen in her before turning around to look at Regulus, who reflected no emotion, except boredom maybe. It seemed like he wasn't even listening. Ariel then addressed him a bright innocent smile, hoping he would persuade the younger boy with this.

"No," listlessly answered Regulus.

Ariel's smile faded away and turned into a pout. "Why would you be so mean with me Reggie?"

Regulus' expression stayed the same, looking bored, he just widened his eyes a little upon hearing the nickname only his cousins would use.

"Black, I'll let you deal with that," muttered suddenly Ivanna Flint, feeling uncomfortable before leaving to her room. Regulus didn't acknowledge her and stayed focused on Ariel who stared back at him.

Ariel's usual satisfied expression came back on his face, his scarlet lips turning up in a sly smirk while Regulus didn't look the slightest bit fazed.

"Come join me, I'm cold," he said again, in a much calmer and deeper voice, sounding more like himself.

Regulus' dark stare stayed fixed upon on him for a few seconds before he finally opened his mouth to speak. "Don't do that kind of things. At least not in front of others."

He sounded so serious and stern, but Ariel didn't look disturbed, and instead he replied innocently, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Stop joking. You don't know Flint, she could say..." And he stopped, never finishing what he was planning to say, but Ariel had clearly understood him.

"Just come sit with me," finally spoke the blond boy after a while. He opened his blanket, inviting Regulus to take a seat next to him.

Feeling resigned, the young boy sighed and slowly walked up to him. He stared at Ariel who was smiling at him, and so he sat down and the blond boy instantly wrapped his arm along with the blanket around him. Regulus stayed a little tense, not used to such proximity.

"You don't feel cold at all," he murmured after a while.

"Really? But I definitely feel warmer when you're so close to me," whispered back Ariel, his deep voice so close to his ear that goosebumps ran down Regulus' spine. Ariel got a little closer, their bodies were brushing against each other and Regulus tensed up some more. "Relax..."

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