Chapter 37

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"Holy shit," Frost gasped out after breaking up the rest of the flowers, all the plants now just mere dust on the floor. "My heart is freaking pounding."

"Mine too," Link sighed, putting a hand over her heart, taking another deep breath for good measure. "Oh, let me sever your link."

Like that they were no longer in contact, and their thoughts would no longer be pushed to one another.

"That could've gone so poorly," Weaver sighed as well, her hands trembling as she continued to grip the steering wheel though something caught her eye in the mirror. "She's not following us, is she?"

It was Whisper's turn to sigh, rubbing her eyes sorely like she was dead tired, "She is."


Whisper shrugged, though she knew why. Humans like her a greedy and unreasonable. Even if they are for stupid flowers.

"You don't know?" Spring groaned as he squirmed in his seat. The mixture of nerves and the need to pee was getting to him. He was about 2 speed bumps away from wetting his pants.

"Oh no, I do," Whisper looked in the side mirror, unable to see the officers' faces but they were just bored with a slow day and apparently harassing them for flowers was going to be what they entertain themselves with. "Just keep driving, they won't pull us over again."

"You got it," Weaver maintained the speed limit, despite some other cars just zooming past them the police car did not budge from just tailing them.

"We're going to have to go to a small town up north to stop instead of the rest stop," Whisper  turned to face Spring, making direct eye contact with him, "I need you to hold it in for at least 30 more minutes."

"You're kidding me right?" Spring was not amused and still maintaining eye contact leaned down to pick up a half-empty bottle of water that Golem was drinking. "Turn around please."

"Oh my god," Frost turned all the way around and shut her eyes. Not that she was uncomfortable with men and men going to the bathroom, but the short time she's gotten to know Spring - he was like a brother to her.

Link too also turned but it wasn't as awkward for her. She just was a bit sympathetic towards the boy. Golem on the other hand was completely displeased and growled as he turned. Not that they didn't have more water, it was that out of all the bottles Spring chose, he chose his.

Weaver found herself stifling a laugh, the fear of getting caught and arrested was gone and now it was like an awkward family road trip. They didn't just break out of a high security military base and is now on the run. They were a group of friends who were brought together under strange circumstances.

"Anyways," Whisper too found herself smiling as she pointed ahead, "Take this exit."

Eventually the police car stopped following them, and the disappointed officer finally returned where she was actually supposed to be, her compliant partner was equally disappointed. Though what were they going to do? Confiscate wedding flowers? For what? Suspicion over possible possession of drugs?

But there was just something off about those two. The driver was just acting so nervous while the so clearly younger woman was as calm as a cucumber. The whole situation was really suspicious.

They didn't look related either, so maybe they were telling the truth?

"You're disgusting," Frost grumbled, scooting away from Spring who looked like he was in utter bliss.

"You're just jealous." Spring smirked only to get an eye roll.

"Of your ding-dong? Hell no." Frost scrunched her face into disgust. "The last dick I to-"

"Guys please," Link chimed in, trying to be the mediator between this teen tension. She was also a bit uncomfortable with how brash Frost is, though she supposes that's just the modern-day youth.

"Do we still need to make a stop?" Weaver piped up, having calmed down significantly.

"Nope!" Spring chirped, sticking out his tongue at Frost for good measure. It was so long since he acted this childish. At BEYOND he was watched, poked, prodded, and simply beaten down mentally and physically.

Link raised her hand slightly for attention, "Actually yes, please stop soon."

"You got it," Weaver chuckled, "The rest of the drive should be pretty smooth right?"

"Yup," Whisper replied her smile now full fledge, though there were still some lingering feelings from her encounter with her father. "There's a small hardware store in town that has the parts I need to fix the car."

She began rummaging through the glove box, pulling out a pen and ripping out a random piece of paper, scribbling something down with her left hand and wiggling around to hand it to Golem.

"Here, this is all the information you need to withdraw 200 dollars."

Golem took one look at it and nodded, shoving the paper in his pocket right after. $200 was quite the sum of money, but he - like the others - won't question Whisper about it.

"Frost and Spring, you two are going with Golem to the bank as well as some clothes for a 22 year old male, about 6'1". Pick up anything else for all of us too."

"Uh ok," Spring was a bit confused but just went with it.

"Got it," Frost made mental notes for them, her mind whirling to decide what kind of outfits to look out for for each of the women. It was still winter so it was quite chilly outside, of course they were in the south so it wasn't as cold as she was used to being up north. "Any color preferences?"

Link was thrown off from her question, as she wasn't one for care for her appearance, but just shrugged not partial to one color or another.

"No neon colors please," Weaver interrupted Link's train of thought, "Oh and nothing too textured. They also have to be more than 50% cotton. Oh! And they have to be naturally died. AN-"

"Drop by the laundromat as well," Whisper interrupted Weaver this time, "And do whatever else you want with the rest of the money."

Weaver made her clothing brand surrounded her sensitive skin. And when she discovered her ability to turn anything into wool opened up a whole new world of opportunity for her. Though she used commercial fabric for her products, on the side she made her own clothes from scratch.

Who knew fabric made from wood would be so comfortable.

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