Chapter 26

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Letting out a yell, Conrad sprinted forward shoulder first, shattering through Frost's ice and tumbling onto the other side of the door. A few of the workers and soldiers a bit confused why their captain was coming out of a cell. 

"Captain?" Ethan questioned, peering into Clarise's cell, only seeing her and glaring. "Come on Captain, there are intruders at the East entrance!" 

Ethan made the mistake of underestimating her once, but right now he didn't have time to deal with her as more dangerous people were invading the base. 

Frost wanted to peek out of the massive hole to see what Clarise was staring at, but Clarise shook her head, despite not looking at Frost, Frost knew what she wanted form her.

"Stay here!" Conrad ordered her, pointing at Clarise to get back into her cell and he began to run out of the containment area. He regretted not situating her, but his attention was needed elsewhere. He quickly called for backup to secure the area, but everyone was pretty preoccupied.

Obviously not obeying him Clarise stepped out, motioning for Frost to follow her. Clarise began walked right up to a control panel that was at the entrance of the area. The guard who would typically be here was gone, off to guard the containment area from further in the compound. 

It wasn't hard to figure out that these intruders were projects from both the destroyed facilities, and it could be assumed they were after the imprisoned projects. There were 23 projects kept here in total, and that's including Clarise. 

Clarise began typing away at the control panel, so quickly that Frost almost couldn't keep up with her eyes but Clarise's finger almost moved on its own. 

The emergency lights of the containment area suddenly returned to normal and the heavy metal doors lifted, the godforsaken alarm was gone too, revealing the glass doors of the projects. There were a dozen located on this side of the base, the others on the other side with Mateo. 

"What did you do?" Frost questioned. 

"I simply directed power to this side of the facility to disable the emergency protocols." Her voice was back to being quiet, but audible enough for Frost to hear. 

Scoffing, Frost was impressed, "So what now? Can you unlock their cells?" 

"Yes," she walked right up to a cell containing a scrawny pale man, punching in the code to his cell flawlessly. "If you destroy the keypad on the cells the door should unlock." 

Nodding, Frost ran over to another cell, putting her hand right on the keypad, her hand crashing through after the thin keypad turned right into ice. 

Soon all the people were freed, most hesitantly leaving their cells. 

"Come on!" Frost waved her hand towards the exit, but no one really ran along with her, "What the hell is wrong with you guys?! Let's go!" 

Whispers scattered around the gathering crowd, and a few gave her strange looks. 

"They are afraid of the outside world," Clarise muttered to Frost, "Tell them that they are better off with you, for the ARC will not help them and instead extort them for their abilities." Clarise made eye contact with one of the older men, "Say something along the lines of freedom, and there is no place for us out there, so we must meet up with the others and establish ourselves." 

Nodding again, Frost cleared her throat, "Come on! Follow me out of here! The ARC isn't going to help us, they never helped us, not for the months and years they kept us here they never helped! What makes you think they will help us now?! We can be free out there! We can find out own place out there!" 

More muttering spread around, but many seemed convinced. The older man Clarise saw stepped forward, waving at the others to follow him. He suddenly began to sprint towards the door, fire surrounding his form as he rammed into the metal door, the whole thing coming loose from the pulley system up above. 

Another woman stepped forward, touching the now slanted door and it instantly shrunk from a 4 story tall metal wall into about the size of a playing card. She threw it to another man to fiddled it around his hands. 

Soldiers noticed the missing door and went to confront them, onto for the man with the said door threw. As it spun in the air it formed into some liquidly spiral, causing the soldiers to hit the ground, the the metal spiral hitting a wall behind them, now jutting out of it. 

"Let's move!" Frost looked to Clarise who pointed down a corridor. The whole compound was like a series of warehouses and plane hangers. The pair leading the group as soldiers ran by. 

Some shot at the group, but luckily those who are bullet proof protected those who were not. Clarise managed to grab the back of Frost's shirt, pulling her around to evade being shot at. It's not that she could dodge bullets, she just knew the line of fire ahead of time. 

Clarise soon signaled for them to stop, all taking cover behind some buildings. 

Peeking around the corner, she could see Conrad in the distance, firing at some unknown targets. 

It was Project Swarm and her ability to turn anything into her own flying army. Getting ahold of some soldiers' guns allowed for her to have her own flying turrets. 

Clarise motioned for them to move in from behind. Conrad and his men were the only people standing between them and the intruders. Together they can get to the other side of the compound and free the rest of the Projects and Abnormals. 

Backing up to reload his gun Conrad spotted Clarise, cussing to himself before shouting at some of his men to turn around. 

"Remember! Don't kill them!" 

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