Chapter 23

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Ignoring Conrad, Clarise stood, her feet feeling a lot better after being able to finally rest them, although they were still burning intensely from the bruising all over her soles. It was amazing she didn't just buckle immediately. 

She walked over to the sink and turned it on cold, splashing her face a couple of times before dabbing it gently with a paper towel. Wetting the toothbrush and putting a generous amount of paste on in, she relished in the minty freshness now blessing her mouth. 

Conrad had crossed his arms across his chest, just watching her as she did what just felt like a whole morning routine, only diverting his eyes elsewhere when she walked into the toilet area. Although she pulled the curtain to hide her, it felt incredibly awkward for both of them when she just simply used the bathroom. 

Just a thin sheet of fabric separating them. 

But when you got to go, you got to go, and it didn't seem like Conrad was going to leave anytime soon. 

Clearing his throat, Conrad tried to get her attention after she was done.  Clarise leaned against the sink after washing her hands, staring down at him with disinterest. 

He was strange. She mind felt muddled when she thought about him. She simply saw Kevin and then all the sudden her mind was filled with his whole backstory without her even having to ask herself. Conrad on the other hand, was an anomaly. Even when she asked herself, his background remained muddled.

Are you an abnormal?

He raised his brow, only really getting that she mentioned the word 'abnormal.' 

"I'm not an abnormal if that's what you're asking," he started, "But the ARC employees Abnormals and Projects like yourself, if you're interested." 

Scoffing, Clarise returned to sitting on the cot, crossing her arms just like Conrad as she crossed her legs as well. 

You mean extort. The ARC filters powers they want and don't want. If they don't like you power, you're put back into captivity, if they do like it, they work you until you collapse. 

Conrad had absolutely no idea about this, nor had he any idea what she just said to him. 

"Out of curiosity, are you able to use your voice? Or is it just your choice to be like this?" 

Clarise was surprised at his question, she anticipated this question, but his phrasing threw her off. To be like what? Just silent? 

She suddenly smirked, something she's never done, and wiggled her finger for Conrad to lean forward, which he did. She met him halfway, her lips millimeters away from his ear.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" 

Her voice was incredibly soft, not at hoarse as the last time she spoke, and you can even hear the feminine tones of it. Her breath was nice and minty, and it tickled his earlobe. 

He reeled back, letting out a laugh before recollecting himself. He wasn't one for underestimating, so he expected the worse when she finally decided to speak to him, but her answer was so unexpected and a bit amusing. 

"Well it's nice to know you can talk," he pulled out the tablet, going over to the recording part and handing it to her, "Mind if you speak into the microphone for the record?" 

She knew what he expected her to say, but instead she went on a massive tangent. The little soundwaves on the tablet barely registering her tiny voice. 

Conrad's phone suddenly came alive with a blaring sound, startling him slightly and he stood and apologetically nodded, stepping out of her cell and locking it before answering it. 

"Conrad here." 

"Conrad! We just got reports that the team has located Reinhart, and a rescue is being implemented. They estimate that he and his team will be safe and sound soon."  

A wave of relief and pure joy rushed over Conrad, and he turned to see Clarise smirking at him from the other side of the glass. She shouldn't be able to hear him clearly from where she sat, but she seemed to know everything that was said. 

"Thank you for keeping me up to date," Conrad smiled back at her, almost thankful for her, "Go ahead and tell the heads that she's the real deal." 

"Who? That woman from last night?" 

"Yeah, Clarise." 

"Clarise huh? You got it Conrad, I'll call again when we can get Reinhart on the phone." 

"Thanks Catharine." 

With that he re-entered the cell, tucking his phone back into his pocket. "Your info was good, my brother has been found." 

Clarise smiled now, happy that she was able to change the future. She didn't tell Mateo, but originally Reinhart was going to be found next week. Long dead, clutching a family photo of when Conrad was graduating high school. She found out herself how to save him, and reported back to Mateo. 

He was on a mission to find an Abnormal who had been spotted by locals in the area. There wasn't much information on the Abnormal other than he seemed to be able to infect animals with what seemed like rabies, but it made those animals extremely violent and harder to put down. 

Like something out of a horror movie. 

"I should thank you," Conrad let out a relieved sigh. He was a big brother who always looked out for his little brother, and when his little brother went missing, a piece of himself went missing too, "Could I ask you where that Abnormal he was looking for is?" 

North Zuck, an abnormal with the ability to corrupt a living being. His blood can change the genetics of any living thing and turn them into violent creatures. What makes him a threat is how viral his ability can become. Somehow it can be transferred through the exchange of bodily fluid, causing the infected to be violent. 

The start of a zombie apocalypse of sorts, but you don't need a head shot to kill an infected. 

She handed him the tablet back, pointing at it like she wanted something from him. 

"You want me to pull up a map?" 

A few taps on the screen he handed it back over, and she pointed at the peak of one of the mountains, circling it with her finger and a bright red circle appeared. 

He's moving around this area. 

He nodded and proceeded to send out the newly marked map to ARC headquarters to figure it out what to do. 

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